Walking the dog today, Hubby and I headed out to lower Peters Canyon. He usually wears his Crocs, but I handed him his Nikes this morning.
After all he used to be a runner–
now he’s a Croc walker.
We got walking and not far into the trail, Hubby complained about his shoes–seems he did not have any socks on. Well, he adjusts them a bit; a few feet more and he takes them off and starts walking barefoot, like the days of his youth (so he says, reminiscing).
We pass joggers, bikers, etc, and I feel a little funny with him trodding along in his jeans, barefeet in the dirt, carrying his running shoes.
Naturally I tell him he can have my socks…my shoes are well broken-in. So, we make the switch and the pace increases. He actually agrees, that yes, the Nikes are better than the Crocs, more spring.
Part of my reason for giving him my socks was that I did not want him to have a bad experience switching from his favs– the Crocs, to the running shoes (since it was my idea, and I had bought them for him).
I have been reading a book about the Donner Party. Ever since our drive home, when I was looking for a free book to read on my iphone, I found this little gem of a book. I find out that the women survive better than the men, and yet they are constantly giving their food to their husbands. One woman even squireled away some of Mr. Fosdick’s dead body and gave it to her hubby. (now that goes beyond my capabilities). But the men die, and at first I think that maybe that is because they are out there working harder.
But no.
In the Donner Party tragedy, two-thirds of the men in the party perished, while two-thirds of the women and children lived.
I seem to recall that baby girls born prematurely fair better than little boys.
Then I just recently read John Taylors vision of the last days, and he sees more women than men, trudging up to the mountains.
“I saw the roads full of people, principally women, with just what they Could Carry in bundles on their backs traveling to the mountains on foot. And I wondered how they Could get there, with nothing but a small pack upon their backs. It was remarkable to me that there were so few men among them.”
Maybe females are heartier, maybe they are self-sacrificing as mothers tend to be…and that makes them stronger?
Love this Deila. You have great insight on the small things in life that make the biggest difference