I’m avoiding my work today. I don’t know why I decided to go for my masters in education. I’m not even a credentialed teacher. My bachelors is in biochem; I started graduate school in the 80s in nutrition & pharmacology. I feel drawn in this direction of on-line teaching as I look for an area to work, yes for money, as the economy has proven a trial for our household. And since I long ago abandoned my plans to become a doctor and jumped into the stay-at-home mom project, my resume does not boast those things that employers are looking for. Going back to the sciences would have required that I retake many of those classes I have passed.
I should be writing a paper “with a scholarly approach” on the facilitative role of the instructor, specifically, teaching adults on-line and on-the-ground. I have to force my brain to read peer-reviewed papers about learning theory and then write a paper with proper APA style. I would rather read Penelope Trunk’s blog or the article about polygamy in “Mormon Historical Studies,” or bid on a geometry text for my homeschooler. Or write this blog. I enjoy teaching, I especially enjoyed teaching Gospel Doctrine. Mainly, because I learned so much.