And he says, “no, that’s your problem.”
I think we’re already in a hell of sorts. I know there is another kind of hell, the outer darkness beyond recognition — being the ultimate Hell. And the Hell, which is called “spirit prison.” And I’m not ungrateful for my blessings here on earth. But it is a lowly world. According to the temple, I’m living in the lowest kingdom, the telestial, and compared to the terrestrial and the celestial, it must be hell. How else can you explain the horrible things that go on here? When Jehovah refers to this earth, he says we will go down.
Down. Down here, where there is every sordid circumstance and hellish people.
Adam and Eve were quite beyond themselves when they walked out of the garden into this mortal life–this telestial world. The Books of Adam and Eve say that they feared greatly and begged the Lord to let them back into the garden, the garden of the terrestrial sphere, the paradisiacal glory. Adam even threw himself off the cliff in this little story because his memories of a better life were too much. (So don’t feel bad when you have those discouraging days, even Adam was disillusioned.)
We must struggle to get back to higher glory. No wonder we are advised not to be of this world — this world is at the bottom. We must rub shoulders with all kinds of people here and help those that want help, and not get sucked into all the wickedness that this world offers.
After all, who is the God of this world? I am pretty sure Lucifer claims that title. I guess it is good that we don’t have a memory of our angelic life before. We wake up as a little child, as did Adam in the garden.
Well, I hope I am not staying in hell for watching Seinfeld. The first time I saw it, I thought, wow, so many topics of this world. And I didn’t watch it. Then came the reruns on “TV” and I watched it and laughed.
So if you have some tough days and read the news and see the injustice and horrible — remember that this is hell. You can overcome this world. It’s a probationary time, and Christ has provided the way. This world will change and become a better world — a terrestrial sphere for a Millenium. Hard to believe some days.