I think I understand why it is so difficult to communicate with God. Down here on planet earth — the telestial world — I am left with the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit to relay all communications between me and God. That’s the nature of this sphere. It’s such a “lone and dreary world” that God and Christ do not regularly come here. Some people get a visit from the Lord. And I think I understand how this happens.
I have read that there are many kingdoms. But three are explained as such: beginning with the top or highest:
1. Celestial
2. Terrestrial
3. Telestial
God the Father is over the Celestial, Christ administers to the terrestrial world, and the Holy Ghost administers to this world in which we live — the telestial kingdom. [We are told in the temple — this is the telestial kingdom, the world in which we now live..] (D&C 76.)
We are often taught that the only way to communicate with God the Father is through the Holy Ghost — and I would say that this is true from my experiences. I feel promptings, and confirmations, and comforting messages through the quiet impressions of the Holy Ghost. And I get it — the HG administers over this earth, this Telestial Sphere.
Telestial (earth now)
Those who do not deny the Holy Spirit are those of a telestial order.
These are they who receive not of his fulness in the eternal world, but of the Holy Spirit through the ministration of the terrestrial. (D&C 76: 86)
An angel of the Lord appeared to Alma the younger when he was not living the higher law, and to call him to repentance. (Mosiah 27:11) Not Jesus.
“The telestial receive it of the administering of angels who are appointed to be ministering spirits for them..” (D&C 76:88)
The Telestial Kingdom is described as hell (but not outer darkness):
“these are they who are thrust down to hell” (D&C 76: 84)
Terrestrial (Zion)
Yet, I believe that there are some people, and we certainly have accounts in the scriptures, who receive guidance from the next level up — the person who is over the Terrestrial kingdom — Jesus Christ.
These are they who receive the presence of the Son, but not of the fulness of the Father. (D&C 76:76 – 77)
I think that if you are living a terrestrial law, and have faith, you can commune with Christ. You do not have to be a celestial person yet, but you do have to be living the terrestrial law. [Study what that law requires.] I would say that those who have seen Christ are those who were living a higher law and had faith as the brother of Jared.
And the brother of Jared being a large and mighty man, and a man highly favored of the Lord… the Lord showed himself unto him…(Ether 1-3)
Jesus Christ appeared to the Nephites when they were living a higher law — in the third book of Nephi.
As they understood they cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold they saw a Man descending out of heaven…saying I am Jesus Christ. (3 Nephi 11: 8-10)
Adam and Eve lived in a paradisiacal state, on the earth before the Fall, and they were living the celestial law because they were able to walk with God and Christ. But after the Fall, Adam and Eve were left to communicate through messengers. They could hear the Lord’s voice, but not see him.
Celestial (God’s Fulness)
Those who live a celestial law become part of what is called the Church of the Firstborn and they will inherit the Celestial kingdom and the fulness of God:
They who dwell in his presence are the church of the Firstborn; and they see as they are seen, and know as they are known, having received of his fulness and his grace. (D&C 76: 94)
Living a higher law may seem simple, but it involves a whole lot more — like trials and humilation, and overcoming. But there is comfort to know that you may be just one step from receiving Christ’s ministering to you.
Very insightful, it made me realise how important, the Holy Ghost is and why it is such a serious thing when one denies the Holy Ghost. we do not receive a kingdom of glory because we actually refuse it!
Yea, I came to that conclusion too — and why we stress the HG as a testifier. I love that — we don’t receive a kingdom of glory because we refuse it — great comment