He is now in the spirit world. But, where is the spirit world?
Some people believe that the spirit world is far away — Some other place than this world.
But I believe the spirit world is right here, in another plane of existence, made up of spiritual matter that we cannot see with our physical eyes. But it is right here and sometimes God lets us see through that veil.
Brigham Young taught that the spirit world is right here. That when we die we pass through the veil, much as you would walk from one room to another, or out the front door. You would be much the same person in thought and deed — cranky or kind, good or evil.
“Is the spirit world here? It is not beyond the sun, but is on this earth that was organized for the people that have lived and that do and will live upon it.” JD 3: 372
“When the breath leaves the body, your life has not become extinct; your life is still in existence. And when you are in the spirit world, everything there will appear as natural as things now do. Spirits will be familiar with spirits in the spirit world—will converse, behold, and exercise every variety of communication with one another as familiarly and naturally as while here in tabernacles.” JD 7:239