I’m curious about the answer to that question. And I’m a woman. I think men are stressed about Valentine’s Day. I see them in Sees candy, picking up pre-packed boxes of chocolates. I see them at the grocery store, hunting around for flowers or whatever the store manager has strategically placed in the front of the store.
I haven’t been to Victoria’s Secret on Valentine’s Day, but that would be interesting. I could watch the men. It’s a good excuse for them to wander around a sexually stimulating atmosphere. “I’m buying a gift for my wife.” For some reason, I don’t think they really belong in there. It’s like the gynecologists office, I don’t want to see men there either.
Men always say they can’t figure out women and they joke about it all the time. My husband tries to understand me, but sometimes he misses the mark — says something and blows it. By now, we just laugh, cuz I know he’s trying his best.
Women are intriguing I get it. I’m not even sure what I want for Valentine’s Day. And since it’s my birthday, it’s a double whammy. You know my theory about birthdays — plan it yourself, get the cake you want, and don’t sit around and pout if your special someone forgets it. But my most favorite birthday/Valentine’s cake in the whole world is no longer available. There’s a new chef at the Paris Bakery in Los Angeles and they changed the chocolate grand mariner cake. My favorite. Delightful and a tradition for almost 30 years.
So, today I stopped at Sees and bought a bag of chocolates for me and a box for my husband. That’s what I wanted.
On our walk yesterday we stumbled across some wild mini daffodils — and he said, “don’t pick those now, that’s what I’m getting you for Valentine’s Day.” That’s what I want.
One thing I don’t want is dinner out with all the masses. That’s not special to me. So we never go out for my birthday. But that’s what I want.