I want to be with good people.
I want to work with good people.
I want to live daily with good people.
I am amazed some days that this city of Enoch actually existed. They lived the Zion life and were taken up from this turbulent wicked world.
Today, I am calm, even in the face of the storm. I have prayed and I have faith in prayer. I have studied the words of others and that has helped.
Now I can say, to those that wish to cause me stress, today I can say, “go ahead, I am down, kick me one more time, but I am getting up.”
“Fight on , my men, Sir Andrew sayes,Alittle Ime hurt, but yet not slaine,Ille but lye downe and bleede awhile,And then Ile rise and fight againe.”
(Ballad of Sir Andrew Barton)
Wanted: People for the City of Enoch
Qualities needed:
Honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men…having endured many things, and hoping to be able to endure all things….seeking the virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.
Applications being accepted.
Fight ON, good woman! I have giving you a blog award…just for fun: http://beinglds.blogspot.com/2010/04/just-for-funa-blog-award.html