I’ve been curious about the two awakenings of Adam. It’s almost like two births. What was Adam doing before he went down for the rib surgery?
It’s not clear how much time passes (it’s a different time anyway), or what Adam (Michael at this point) is doing, by himself in the garden. But God (Elohim) and Jehovah(the Lord Jesus Christ) say that Adam has not help meet. So, God forms the animals from the ground and brings them to Adam for naming. But still no suitable companion.
It’s not good for Adam to be running around with only the animals. Elohim informs Jehovah that they will cause a deep sleep to come over Adam and when he awakens again, he will not remember anything, he will be like a little child, and he will be known as Adam, not Michael. (I guess he really was not Adam yet.) He will not remember that he had any part in the forming of the world. His memory will be wiped clean. Blitz. This is when our little rib surgery takes place — while he is in this deep sleep. Adam wakes up this second time and finds a woman, and names her Eve, because she is the mother of all living. They go into the garden together. And I am guessing he no longer remembers what he named the animals. But we are given the counsel from God, that it’s good for a man to leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife.
So, there you have it, two births of Adam. Two awakenings. Maybe one is a birth and one is an awakening after a deep sleep that erases his memory.
There are some stories about what Adam may have been doing after that first awakening — stories about Lilith. But that is for another day.
Also, it is possible that awakening is a reference to rebirth or resurrection or recreation. Adam, Michael must have had a previous life —
- Earth created from a mass of chaos in 6 periods. rest.
- Mist comes up and waters it all. time in the universe passes.
- Adam’s First awakening: man formed from the dust a living soul, first flesh (of that sphere.)
- God plants a garden in Eden. with all the trees naturally growing.
- God puts Adam in the garden.
- God tells him he can eat but forbids the one tree.
- God says it is not good for man to be alone.
- Animals get the breath of life. and Adam names them.
- But no helpmeet. Adam hangs around the garden.
- Deep sleep.
- Rib surgery. Eve brought in.
- Adam’s second awakening: He awakens and finds Eve. It’s good to leave mummy and daddy and cleave unto your wife. Or it is good to leave the crazy woman Lilith and start a life with a sensible woman like Eve.