Truth or Error. Or is it Truth and Error? Lucifer likes to mix them in the same sentence. He is the great deceiver, the great liar. He takes true principles, truth, and intertwines them with falsehoods, error. That’s why it’s so difficult to see. They are mixed together. Some people do this too. A lot of politicians. Sometimes we call this “half truths.” Or speaking with “forked tongue.”
Eve was in the Garden of Eden. She and Adam had varied interests, as they were not always together. That slippery serpent, finding Eve alone, approached her with an option. First he engaged her in a lively conversation about trees, asking her if God told her she “could not eat the fruit of any of the trees.”
She replies that they can eat from all of them but one–that one in the middle of the garden, they are not to even touch it or they will die. The adversary quickly explains to her that she can eat from that tree as well, that she will not die…
“Ye shall not surely die (the error): For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (the truth)” (Genesis 2:4-5)
Now Eve could not have known if Mr Serpent was telling her all truth, because she did not have that knowledge, she could not, at that stage, in the garden, become like the gods, knowing good and evil, truth and error. I guess that’s why we call it a transgression instead of a sin. Her eyes were not open yet.
There was no other way for her to learn, but to fall, to take the first step. Her eyes were opened with the choice of partaking of that fruit. It was then that she saw the truth of his statement, she recognized him as Lucifer; later she would understand the lie — when she died.
Many religions see Eve as making a huge, big bad mistake — a big bad sinner, that Eve. But I do not. She took the necessary step to become mortal, to learn the difference of light and dark, good and evil, pain and pleasure. But it had to be by her choice.
God wants us to choose. He will not force us to do right, we must act on our own. That is why freedom is so necessary. We learn the joy of choosing good over evil, the pain of making mistakes, the happiness that there is a way back. That all suffering need not be in vain. Eve was the example. She made the right choice to advance, and she recovered from the fall when Christ became the savior. It is all part of the plan.
Parents understand that their children will make mistakes, but they have to be given the chance to choose. At a certain age, all kids want to do it themselves. We protect them for a long time, but eventually, they get to choose. It’s all part of the plan.
We can discern between truth and error, although it may be difficult at times. But it is good to be aware that everywhere we will find the two intertwined, and that we must make choices.
I really liked this. Thanks for the insight!
P.S. Welcome to MMB!
however, having been givin two sets of commandments, she choose which of the two, the greater two, to keep. so, it wasn’t a total failure on her part.
“I recently read a great point on this, that Eve being decieved by the serpent, Satan, that her mistake was more because of who she listened to and took the fruit from the wrong hands. It is all a part of the mortal experience to desern right from wrong, good from evil, and who to listen to. Also that Eve making this big desicion was not hers to make alone because it would effect Adam too, and it should have been made together. That not only do we have to learn good from evil but we have to do so in a relationship. Therefore Eve made the right desision but just did so by the wrong hands and without consulting, and that is the deception part. But who knows Adam may not have ever agreed to it, no doubt it played out the way it was meant to be of course.”