The garment supposedly symbolizes the coat of skin given to Adam and Eve after they were found naked in the garden, having eaten that most delicious deadly fruit. Traditionally, we believe that God gave Adam and Eve garments of animal skin when he found them naked in the Garden of Eden. But that garment of skin could be their mortal skin.
You may notice in the Bible the different translations: “coats” of skin and “garments” of skin.
Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21) King James Bible
The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21) New International Version
So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. (Genesis 3:22-23)
Did God give Adam and Eve animal skins to wear?
I had always thought the coat of skin given to Adam and Eve in the garden was made from an animal — that God gave them leather skins to wear when they became naked. In artwork, artists often show Adam and Eve wearing leather clothing after their Fall. But did someone kill an animal in the garden and clothe them? Where would this skin have come from?
The coat of skin could have been sheepskin or the skin from a serpent. But those skins given to Adam and Eve may have been their “mortal skin” — their flesh.
Adam and Eve had bodies of light before the Fall.
Adam and Eve did not have bodies of mortal flesh when they were living in the Garden of Eden. After they ate the fruit, something happened to their bodies. The First Book of Adam and Eve picks up where the Genesis account ends. It tells how Adam and Eve became distraught when they left the garden and saw the “broad earth spread before them.”
Adam wept bitterly when he “looked at his flesh, that was altered.” (Ch IV: 2) He laments that their “eyes have become of flesh; they cannot see in like manner as they saw before.” (Ch IV:9). God explains that their “bright nature was withdrawn” (Ch. VIII: 2). Adam confirms, “thou madest us both with bodies of a bright nature.” (Ch.XXXIV: 16). After the Fall, their bodies are different — they can’t go by the cherub and flame of fire because it could scorch their flesh. (Ch. XXXVI: 4 and Ch. XLIV: 9).
Did God clothe Adam and Eve in a skin of flesh?
Reading on in the Book of Adam and Eve, it sounds possible that God gave them a skin of flesh — perhaps their mortal skin after the Fall:
But when I heard of thy transgression, I deprived thee of that bright light. Yet, of My mercy, I did not turn thee into darkness, but I made thee they body of flesh, over which I spread this skin, in order that it may bear cold and heat.(Ch. XI: 7)
Did Adam and Eve wear skins of sheep?
Going back to the account in Genesis, it tells us that God clothed Adam and Eve in a garment or coat of skin. Now that could have been their mortal skin because, at one point, Adam says that “their flesh was dried up” (Book of Adam and Eve, Ch. XLIX: 13). According to this account, Adam and Eve then looked for something to cover their bodies, but they didn’t know how or what to do. The Lord told Adam to go to the seashore where he would find the skins of sheep, killed by lions, and that an angel showed them how to make clothing or a garment. This may be the account of when and how Adam and Eve began wearing animal skins:
Then came the Word of God and said to him, “O Adam, take Eve and come to the seashore where you fasted before. There you will find skins of sheep that were left after lions ate the carcasses. Take them and make garments for yourselves, and clothe yourselves with them. (Chapter L:7)
Skins of a sea monster or reptile
Another tradition of Jewish origin says they wore “garments of light” made from a sea monster (Midrash in Minhat Yehukh, Genesis 3:21 in Tvedntes). But in the Book of Adam and Eve, the serpent is the one who stripped them of their light (Ch. XXXVII: 1)
This is he [Satan] who was hidden in the serpent, and who deceived you, and stripped you of the garment of light and glory in which you were. (First Book Of Adam and Eve, Ch. LI)
Other sources say the garments were made from a reptile — specifically the serpent snake that deceived them in the garden. (3 Baruch, ibid). You can see how this idea of the light and the serpent skin got mixed up in the story. [This artist makes it look like skins of feathers]:
Did Adam and Eve have garments of light?
The Midrash Rabbah called them garments of light, not of skin. The Hebrew words for light and skin are similar. But tradition often says that Adam and Eve had garments of light before the Fall. When they ate the fruit, they lost their garment of light. A garment of skin replaced their glory or light. Perhaps that garment of skin was their own skin, and later animal skins.
“After the clothing of fig-leaves they put on clothing of skins, and that is the skin of which our bodies are made, being of the family of man, and it is a clothing of pain.” (The Book of the Rolls) [Priestly Clothing in Bible Times, John A. Tvedntes]
The Hebrew root for nakedness is related to the word for skin. So we have skin, light, and nakedness somehow related.
Several sources talk about Adam’s body being created “bright and brilliant” and that he and Eve were placed in the garden where
“God clothed them with glory and splendor.” But when they ate the fruit, they were “stripped of the light with which they had been clothed…they were naked…[and] they made to themselves aprons of fig leaves” (Temples of the Ancient World, p.653)
“When God created me out of the earth along with Eve your mother, I used to go about with her in a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come…” (Apocalypse of Adam)
The serpent beguiled Eve, and when she and Adam ate the fruit, they lost their glory or skin of light, and this loss of light became their nakedness, which was replaced with a garment of skin — this mortal skin we all wear. Then came the animal skin clothing when they realized they needed more protection from the elements.
“It is those who wear the [flesh] who are naked.” (Coptic Gospel of Philip, Tvedtnes)
The skin garments are a sign of our fallen nature. Too bad artists always show Adam and Eve in the garden in their garments of skin — their nakedness — before the Fall. But then, how do you portray the glory that was about them before they ate the fruit? It is unclear why they chose a fig leaf to hide their loss of light (fig leaves are very scratchy with little sharp fibers on their leaves.)
Perhaps this is when another garment comes into the story, after the skin of flesh — the garment that is fashioned by God and is handed down to the sons of Adam — perhaps one made from the skin of animals — to replace the not-so-good fig leaf.
Did God give Adam and Eve mortal skin after the Fall?
When I think of the garment I wear, which may symbolize my skin — I realize there are many similarities to our mortal skin.
The skin is protective. It is the largest organ of our human body. It protects us from infectious microbes and the elements, helps regulate our body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, cold, pain, and pleasure. Our skin makes vitamin D from the sunlight. It guards our underlying muscles, sinews (tendons &ligaments), bones, and organs.
I don’t know what the skin of light was like. But Adam and Eve were quite distraught without it and noticed immediately after they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge that they were now “naked.” Even though they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves, it wasn’t the same as the glorious skin of light.
The Koran has something on Adam and Eve losing their light as well:
“Let not Satan seduce you, even as he turned your parents out of the garden, stripping them of their raiment that he might show them their nakedness.” (Temples of the Ancient World, p.654)
We could be talking about several different garment skins —
- The original one of light (in the Garden of Eden, the Paradise)
- The one of our own flesh (after the Fall, the Telestial world)
- The fig leaf covering (hmmm…not really skin, but covering)
- And another one that had priestly connections and was passed on. That may be symbolic of another kingdom and body of skin.
Hebrew word meanings for skin, shine, garment
- ע֖וֹר (o wr) is the Hebrew word that is translated “skin” in the Bible (Hebrew Concordance)
- א֖וֹרִי (o wri) is the Hebrew word that is translated “shine” (Hebrew Concordance) as in arise, shine for thy light has come.
A garment protects us, whether that be our own skin or the clothing we wear. The word “garment” is an Old French word, garnement, which comes from the verb garnir
- to protect
- (by extension) to arm (provide with arms)
- (by extension) to armor
- (by extension) to clothe
From Middle French garnir, from Old French guarnir (“to protect (oneself), armour up”),
from Frankish *warnjan (“to ward, take care of something”),
from Proto-Germanic *warnijaną (“to worry, be careful, take heed, refuse, withhold”),
from Proto-Indo-European *wer- (“to close, cover, protect, save, defend”).
Works Cited
John A. Tvedtnes, Priestly Clothing in Bible Times. Temples of the Ancient World.
The Lost Books of the Bible, The Book of Adam and Eve.
Originally posted 2013. Updated 2022
God said, Gen. 3:19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. This is the earthly body. 1 Cor. 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. Please note that there is no mention, at this point, about Eve. This is the beginning of the second seven thousand years.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us, Jesus, his Holy Spirit and himself, make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Gen. 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God, as a spirit, John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth, created he him; male and female, When a couple have an earthly baby that is when we are given our earthly body to limit our movemen this is our earthly bodies, We were given the earthly body to live in the flesh after every creation God had made was put out of the Garden and the Flaming Sword, Cherobim, was placed at the gate to keep us from going back in and defiling God’s Paradise, God made us male and female with our earthly bodies after we were put out of the Garden. There is no marrage in Heaven,
“The lord god made coats of skin, and clothed them”
But later on in the book Noah gets drunken
And ham sees him “naked”.
I used to think it was mortal skin, but now I’m thinking anyone who commits a sin are seen as naked. Adam and Eve bite the apple and Noah was drunken. Just a theory of mine igs but wanna hear more what y’all think
Good thoughts on that. I still think mortal skin is without glory, a condition of this world since the Fall, but some people have more “light” on this earth as they seek God and follow Him, so I would think that if people choose to sin they lose light and they could be termed “naked” and nakedness could be exposing who you really are — Isaiah 47:3 — “Your nakedness will be exposed and your shame uncovered. I will take vengeance; I will spare no one.”(The harlot Babylon).
Look at history. Adam and Eve were not blonde hair and blue eyes. They were not white. Smh
I don’t think you actually read the article. There are several images in this post of Adam and Eve, all are different, from the perspectives of various artists. No where do I say they were blonde and blue-eyed. I don’t think history will reveal the physical appearances of Adam and Eve as we identify people today — that is not the point of this research. “Light” does not mean white, it does not mean blonde or blue eyes, it is in reference to a type of glory, not skin color.
Thank you for sharing this fine article.
Could this also be the reason there are two accounts of creation. The first man or mankind was made like God or in His image being a celestial body of light and the second account of creation is the creation of mankind made of the dust of the earth with skin as we now have? I have been looking at this thought that the skin was not animal skins but a putting on of flesh over our spiritual bodies.
Jesus walked, ate and was just like a human being but then He just appears in a room after His resurrection. Could it be Adam fist had this kind of body? At the transfiguration there was a light that was present. Mt 17:2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.
Mt 17:3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Is this Jesus, Moses and Elijah in the bodies Adam had before they sinned?
I have moved to a comfortable position believing in the Adam having a celestial body in the creation account in Genesis chapter 1 and Adam having the human body of skin as we know it in the account of creation in Genesis 2.
(The Holy Bible, New International Version®. Pradis CD-ROM:Mt 17:2. Grand Rapids: The Zondervan Corporation, © 1973, 1978, 1984.)
I have zero basis for this, but the thought occurred to me, could the “nakedness” felt by Adam and Eve actually be the realization of the lack of light emanating from their personages? If their terrestrial bodies “glowed” (similar to that of holy beings), after they partook of the fruit they lost their purity/holiness and thereby the emanating “glow” of their bodies.
So they hid themselves, not from some instantaneous sense of modesty, but rather of fear or guilt of Father seeing that the light was now gone.
Just a thought…
We should also recognize the fact that Adam and Eve recognize their “nakedness” after the fall as a symbol for their need for an atonement. The Hebrew word Kaphar or “covering” illustrates how we all need the LORD to cover the heavy cost of our sin.
Great insight — I have been working on a post about “covering” and linen, etc. But I had not thought about that with Adam and Eve, nakedness and covering/atonement. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Great article. As always.
Taken from my journal :
” I woke up with a very special feeling. As if I had received confirmation many times during the night that the skin clothes made for Adan and Eve were in fact their telestial skin, that corruptible flesh of which we are all clothed. “
Well, that is a nice confirmation for both of us. Thanks for sharing that. Hope all is well.
Huh, for some reason there is no spacing between my paragraphs. Sorry about that.
Hi Delia,
Good article. I never before had considered that the coats of skin could be our own skin. I know the creation story is more of an allegory than real life events (although it certainly did happen), because it depicts us all, as we are told to act as if WE are Adam AND Eve in the Temple. So, as a result, we are left to figure out what represents what.
It is interesting to note that, in the temple, the apron they (we) were given was worn to AND through the veil. This shows we are supposed to walk through the veil in this life as mortals (DC 132: 22-23) as you mentioned.
There is also another story about what animal(s) was sacrificed in order to provide Adam and Eve their coats of skin that you might like (Although I don’t have the reference right now.) There is the idea that Adam and Eve had their favorite animal, whatever it was, sacrificed. This is shadow or type of having the thing you treasure most being sacrificed. It was supposed to be painful. This is symbolic of what we will be asked to offer to the Lord, which is most precious to us, and/or God sacrificing His Son, which was quite painful to Him.
Anyway, good stuff. Thanks for sharing.
P.s – I liked u2Brutus’ comment. He said:
“In my opinion, the sacred under-garment worn by Mormons is symbolic of past glory; some of those who come to earth must necessarily “fall” from a higher state of exultation to sojourn here in this telestial kingdom.”
This could be true as well when we keep in mind the pre-mortal. In Abraham we read that there were “souls” who would come down to this estate. Joseph knew by then what “souls” were – both spirit AND body, exalted Beings.
In my opinion, the sacred under-garment worn by Mormons is symbolic of past glory; some of those who come to earth must necessarily “fall” from a higher state of exultation to sojourn here in this telestial kingdom. The sacred garment is also a symbol of future glory, hopefully to be inherited after progressing through many tests that enlarge the Soul here in mortality.
Of course, there is also this long history that has to do with some “other world” garment with power, that was passed on from father to son, amid conflicts. Nimrod the king and mighty hunter — the animals submit to the authority of his garment. Noah — when his nakedness is uncovered.. why? to steal his scared garment that held some power. Jacob and Esau (the purchase of the birth right).
And Joseph; is this thy son’s garment? — the coat of may colors (garment of light). Even the story of “the golden fleece.” There is something going on here.