It takes effort to achieve order. Too bad it just doesn’t happen. I could have left the kitchen a mess after making banana bread with my granddaughter and returned to find it all clean. But that just doesn’t happen. We had to do it.
Someone had to organize this world. The word, “Cosmology” comes from the
Greek kosmos ‘order, world.’
+ logia ‘discourse.’
Cosmology is the study of the world or universe, which is regarded as an orderly, complete harmonious system. Today, most people use the word cosmology to include the origin of the universe as well. Even though there is another word for that which I heard from Hugh Nibley:
“cosmogony” — which is the study of the origin of the universe. Cosmogony is derived from the Greek word,
kosmogonia, from kosmos ‘order or world’ + -gonia ‘-begetting.’
The Greek, “gonos” is offspring. I guess with that little tip you can tell how we got some other words we use for male anatomy.
The Gods brought order to the chaos of the elements, “creating” a world.
The word, “Cosmetology” is derived from the Greek kosmeto (adorned or arranged) + logia.
Cosmetology is the art of applying cosmetics so you look well-arranged and orderly. Today that word includes hair arranging too — color, cut, styled — having your hair in order and not a mess. Women are continually trying to bring order to their appearances.
In both instances, Someone has to do it. The early Egyptians believed that it took effort to keep chaos from taking over. That’s why they worked so hard to prepare the dead for the next life.