When in financial distress, I do not look too closely at the numbers, just enough to kind-of budget my money for the month. I know that without faith, man can do nothing, especially me, and since faith and fear or worry cannot exist together, scrutinizing the odds will often cause me to worry, and then, out the window flies my faith.
So, in times of trouble, which seem to be always, I pay my tithing, having faith that it will all work out, and miraculously, it does.
But if I did the numbers beforehand, it would definitely look bleak, and often impossible.
This is a quote from the movie Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back—Han Solo is about to take the space craft into an asteroid field to make his escape. (a character much like my husband–we’ve been in an asteroid field for years at a time)
C-3PO: Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1.
Han Solo: Never tell me the odds.
I often misquote it, I will say, “don’t give me the numbers.”
Actually, I think my husband said it first, and I was definitely playing the part of C-3PO. I am the realist, he is the optimist–so much that he sometimes calls me the pessimist. Yet, I have learned to live by this rule many times.
P.S. I often misquote things, it is a problem since childhood–I used to say the little rhyme, “one, two, buckle my shoe…three four shut the door…..nine, ten, a big fat chicken.”
So, chicken, hen, it’s the same idea–numbers, odds, hmmmm. My brain fills it in with a word close to the original. It’s not that I am getting older–must be just one of defects.