Yes. Swimming above the chaos. And there’s a lot of chaos out there. Not more than any other time in history, but it’s our time, our lifetime. I’m not going to list the chaos, because I’m sure you know.
Everyone has to deal with chaos in their lifetime. Besides personal trials, we have things that come up in the world (viruses that can end our life or viral news about doomsday) — things that do not seem to affect us immediately but have an impact. We read things on the Internet, make choices, form opinions, hear updates.
Due Diligence
Due diligence refers to the research done before entering into an agreement or a financial transaction with another party.(Investopedia)
I love to learn, so instead of listening to music, I listen to nonfiction books on Audible, podcasts on iTunes — trendy books and not-at-all trendy books. In years past I have read energy-healing books, angel books, near-death experiences, the Apocrypha books — reading as many original and primary sources I could find. I’ve read and searched-out topics about all kinds of things. I love to solve problems (yes math was my favorite subject before I discovered science, religion, and history.) So, I don’t avoid things — I study them out.
I always like to do my due diligence for any author or person in the news. One time I found an author to be highly questionable — having started a church in Idaho called the church of the firstborn. I junked her book –about Christ – yes a woman who claimed to channel Jesus and others.
Energy Healers
I read a few books on energy healing and tried it out. I don’t believe in going to energy healers, people who talk to dead spirits or slide magnets down your spine to rid you of your iniquities. Sure, I believe in guardian angels, I’m thankful for those who help me unbeknownst to me. However, I do not believe that energy healers can talk to them or mine. I think there’s a reason for a veil between the spirit world and the mortal world — we need to focus on life, doing good, lifting others, learning through study and experience. Yet, we also need to connect with our spiritual life, so it is a tricky balance.
Isaiah, during his lifetime, was irritated with the Israelites seeking out spiritualists —
When men tell you to inquire of mediums and spiritists who huddle together and mutter, say to them, Should not a people inquire of their God? Should one inquire of the dead on behalf of the living for doctrine and for a testimony? Surely, while they utter such words devoid of light,…(Isaiah 8:18-20)
Which happens when people get disillusioned with their church or life.
End of the World Predictions
I study apocalyptic books — Isaiah and the scriptures. But I do not believe that anyone has any idea of when the end-of-days begins. Joseph Smith, whom I believe to be a true seer, did not know the date. And yes, we are living in the last days, but I doubt very much that Joseph ever thought we would get to this time of cell phones and robots cleaning our floors, Siri and Alexa answering our questions and reminding us to take the cookies out of the oven.
In reading about the past, I realize that early Christians thought the Second Coming was soon, that the Christians that immigrated to the colonies in America thought it was close, that the early Latter Day Saints thought it was imminent. And here we are again, with some people thinking it is near. Maybe, but maybe not.
No one knows when the end of the world will take place. Or begin. I love to study the scriptures and I am aware of end-time events, but this is not my focus. People can become obsessive. We see this in the news today. I am not mentioning names, or accusing anyone, as that is not my place. Satan is the great accuser and deceiver — so best to stay clear of those characteristics. Plus, I’m not about getting the most hits on my posts. I’m not on Facebook or Twitter. I’m content to share discretely what is going on through my mind. I hope I was not too vague.
Now, I have to get back to work — in the world, work that pays my bills.
Love it! ❤️