I’ve got to get moving–pack and move.
This week, it’s Seth and me. And an empty Pod out front to load.
The Pod was delivered yesterday, and it is the first one. It even has a skylight–I could almost live in it and then my husbands jesting would come true. He has always said we could live in a container–haha. But sometimes I do not think he was kidding, like when I was pregnant with number 4 child–Ephraim and we had some incredible debt to deal with from past bad business ventures. No, it was not a container but an old abandoned, dilapidated mobile home on the Aadlin Brothers junk/pick-a-part yard, where Gene had been working to pipe landfill gas to a nearby facility as an energy source. I had images of my visiting teachers coming to greet me at the junk yard. Pregnant or not, that is an idea I have always shunned–the living in a container. Good for a laugh but that is all.
So, back to packing. And a bottle of 5 hour energy. And an attitude of Rosie the Riveter.
I am trying to pack in an organized way, at least to begin the project. I do love order–math was my favorite subject in school.
If I focus on that, I can avoid the thinking that occasionally surfaces–where am I going to live?
Oh, I have done this before, not knowing, so I do have some comfort and faith in that it will all work out.