He tells me it is good — the Mexican government loves this idea of taking the garbage and converting it to energy, through his patent-pending gasification process. I see letters of intent, I see everything in Spanish, of which my 4+ years of studying, seems to help only a teeny-weeny bit. (Thank goodness for Google Translate.) He reminds me that we’ll be doing good for other people, providing jobs, cleaning up the city. I know, it sounds good.
But, either way, if this goes, Great, if not, this is the classic adventure novel, that I am sure I can write based on my life with hubby-dear. Maybe he is right, “look, you have become a good writer because of all this stress you’ve endured for the past 34 years.”
Yes, he is the optimist. I claim to be the realist. (Well, I do handle the books, rob Peter to pay Paul, etc, etc.) But, he is the faith believing optimist.
So, I think I can do this. I will look at the comedy of my situation today, because if I don’t, I will go crazy. I have dug through my boxes in the garage, looking for some photos, and found my old treasure map of “El Corazon” — I made one of these based on the movie “Romancing the Stone”.I was teaching gospel doctrine at the time, and was using this map as a visual aid.
Our life’s journey needs a treasure map. I need to see the treasure at the end. We need to remember what treasure we are seeking and refer to our map often, in this Heart-wrenching Hades in which we live.
It’s a jungle out there” you know.
I had all my kids make one for Family Night. They each got a paper bag, cut it to make a map, drew whatever they wanted for their life’s journey — rivers to cross, roads to avoid, covenants to take, etc. Then we put them in water, to make the paper look old and worn, and scrunched it up in a ball and wrung it out. I think I even added some fabric softener. After a few times it looked ancient. Then we let them dry.
I think I better send mine down to hubby-dear in Mexico. Yea. Maybe I should do that. And then I am going to write this book. If Jean Wilder can do it, I can. I’ve been living the life.
This is hubby-dear’s company truck, it used to look like this: (2007 Toyota Tundra)
Now it’s seen too much life: