I subscribe to The Bible Project and receive their videos in my email. This one is part of their Bible Study and is titled, Rescued for a Purpose. I found the message fits specifically to my studies in the Book of Isaiah. God rescues us from sin when we take the name of Christ and follow Him. This is the lesser law — the law of overcoming sin. So what is the higher law that Moses “threw down on the ground?” Scholars have long searched the Books of Moses, looking for the hidden law. It may be there, but we don’t really know for sure. Isaiah shows us what the higher law is:
We often pass by the Old Testament as if it doesn’t relate to us, as if its “sacred history” is no longer sacred. And yet, who today can match the spiritual heights those ancients attained? The law they kept went beyond not sinning. Their lives were models of love and service. In comparison to the higher law, the lesser law centers around becoming clean of sin and spiritually pure. The higher law puts us on a path to attaining perfection by loving others as God loves us, so that we can enjoy the company of God and angels. Those who loved God and neighbor so as to attain this perfection also truly loved themselves, as we do justice to ourselves only when we love God first and foremost. (Avraham Gileadi, Isaiah Decoded, p. 11)
So this little video explains that God wanted to bring the Israelites up the mountain and into His presence. That was the purpose for God rescuing them from the bonds of slavery in Egypt. That was the higher law that got replaced with, the lesser law for a time. But we can reach for the higher law by studying the prophet who wove it into his writings, hidden within the text. Find more resources for Isaiah at Isaiah Institute. Find more Bible videos at The Bible Project.