At the close of the day–6 pm– and I no longer own my home. I am feeling a little uprooted, with no sure place for my roots. I better put them in some water so at least they will not dry out and die. I ordered these...
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Nov 18, 2009
Walking the dog today, Hubby and I headed out to lower Peters Canyon. He usually wears his Crocs,...
Read MoreNov 16, 2009
One of my first blogs was about my neighbors–“the luck of the draw”–and how lucky we have been. We have lived in eight different homes since we have been married. And in this last home we have stayed the longest,...
Read MoreNov 13, 2009
At the airport, which seems to have become the bus stop of the 21st century. My daughter, grandaughter, and dog dropped me off, and my daughter was amazed that they had all this valet parking. Yep, people commute for the day. ...
Read MoreNov 11, 2009
My father was an “inactive” Mormon. This means that he was baptized a Mormon, but stopped going to...
Read MoreNov 2, 2009
What do you feed your dog? Raw meat? My son just got a cute new puppy and he started her on the...
Read MoreOct 30, 2009
Today, after being beat up in the business world for the umpteenth time, I ran off to the temple...
Read MoreOct 29, 2009
We Sold! Or at least we are in escrow. Do trees celebrate? Because just after we signed our docs,...
Read MoreOct 27, 2009
I can’t leave my bedroom until I have made the bed, with all the pillows perfectly upright, the mirrors with finger prints removed, and the closet neat and tidy, sinks and counter cleaned immaculately. My house is on the...
Read MoreOct 13, 2009
Life is a mixture of happy and sad. I am continually reminded that Eve asked “is there no other...
Read MoreOct 7, 2009
I love the Fall leaves. This week I actually got to see them–in person. Having grown up in...
Read MoreSep 29, 2009
My dad, dear old dad, used to say, “beat it to fit, paint it to match” when talking about any repairs. One day I asked him, “where did you get that saying anyway?” He used to work at Lockheed Aircraft. So….the...
Read MoreSep 17, 2009
I’ve been working in the garden. The vines that I did not plant have overgrown or grown over the...
Read MoreSep 11, 2009
The economy is always in the news. It faces us personally everyday. My kids have gone to college, not always thinking about how they will support themselves once they are “grown up”. We struggle to avoid the pitfalls...
Read MoreAug 28, 2009
this is the model, but picture it 30 years old, trashed and thrashedToday I drove the big black Tundra to Costco to buy a chair for the office. As I waited for a parking place, I noticed another one and took it.Should have...
Read MoreAug 26, 2009
Little Red Riding Hood left Grandmas house. I will miss her pattering around here making little...
Read MoreAug 20, 2009
In the telestial kingdom, not all animals live side by side. Or should I say, that the wolf and...
Read MoreAug 17, 2009
Sometimes when things go wrong, they may be right.I read the book by Enzio Busche, Yearning for...
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