When you die, are you D&G? (Code word for Dead and Gone — my dad used to say that.) And what about before you were born, were you non-existent until the sperm forced it’s way through the tough membrane of the egg?
I think a lot about intelligences.
I mean the you that is you — the inner thoughts, experiences, life — that makeup who you are. The you that has always existed and will always exist, not your spirit, but your intelligence — the part that existed before your spirit body and before your mortal body.
I wonder what I was thinking and what I learned (and cannot remember because forgetting is a necessary element of this mortal life.)
The following is a quote from what is called the King Follett Discourse — a funeral speech given by Joseph Smith when Brother King Follett (his first name is “King”) was accidentally killed by a falling bucket of rocks in a well.
“The mind of man—the intelligent part—is as immortal as, and is coequal with, God himself. I know my testimony is true. . . . Intelligence is eternal and exists upon a self-existent principle . . . there is no creation about it.”
The comfort of all this thought is that there never is/was a time of not existing. You and I have always existed.
This life is part of a great whole and the experiences you encounter serve to enlarge your intelligence. As much as I crinch at the trials, and beg to be relieved and delivered of them, I do understand the value. I find I have more compassion for other people. Each day adds to who I am, and that essense of who we are never dies, but continues. We will always be the sum of all our experiences.
photos: That’s my mama holding me back in 1955. That’s my proud dad holding me in 1954.
What was I doing as an intelligence clothed in a spirit body before my birth? I don’t know, but I feel to know that I existed.
I loved the line that you used ” we will alway be the sum of all our experiences.” I have often wondered of my existence and I believe the same that you do. Great post!
Love the picture of you with your mom. Your mom is lovely.
However, when life is hard, and you are down on yourself, this can be very overwhelming can it not? You know I agree 100 percent. That is why those days you wnat to give up, the idea of passing on to your next estate is of no comfort because I know I will only take my weakness and inadaquates with me. Therefore my favorite Shakespeare quote,
“To sleep, perchance to dream-
ay, there’s the rub.”
Great thoughts. I agree.
Profound thoughts and very liberating.
Lovely photos of you as a baby 🙂
Have a great week ahead.
This a great perspective and one I believe as well. I have lived long enough now to realize those gone before us are still very much alive and well in another sphere of existence. What we call the spirit world as Latter-day Saints. Sometimes they even feel closer now. It is a beautiful plan. What a privilege to know of it.
These pictures are really neat. You look so much like your beautiful mother.