Adam may have named all the animals, but I am pretty sure Eve had to take care of them. It sure is that way around here. Every pet bought, bred, found, and rescued has been under my care. I feel responsible. It doesn’t matter how much the kids promise to care for this animal; I am the one that makes sure the family pet is fed, watered, trained, exercised, bathed and vaccinated. If there is poop to clean up, yep, I am on that task. Training the dogs obedience? Yep, that’s me too. Clean that cage? Yeppers, me too. Go to the vet? Yea, uh-huh, me again.
Mother Eve is the mother to all living.
There were a few pets my hubby dear cared for as well. Our first German Shepherd — he took full responsibility, mainly because I was having babies and caring for them. Of course, he didn’t do it the way I like, but I was busy and relinquised control. A few years ago he rescued a baby hawk at his worksite which at that time was in Northern California and we were living in Southern California. He purchased a cage, live mice and took care of that bird of prey until it could be on its own. I didn’t even have to worry about it. He really wanted me to see it though.
Yea, my hubby loves to catch animals. One day he brought home a baby opossum whose mother had been killed. We fed it with an eyedropper. It was so sweet.
He is Adam out of the Garden.
Here is a running list of our pets — bought, borrowed, bred and caught:
Baby owl, baby oppossum, baby hawk, doves, pigeons, crow, rabbits, guinea pig, bearded dragons, anoles, iguana, gecko, water dragons, frogs, turtles, dogs, cats, fish, mice, rats, chickens, ducks, canaries, quail, cockatiel, finches, horse.
Adam with the opossum he rescued (on his head) and beige kitty on his lap, and is that a caterpillar? Oh no, it’s a mustache.
And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. Genesis 2:20