Updated: Feb 18, 2020.
The LDS Church and Scouts
LDS Boy Scouts in front of the Church Offices, the drum saying “Boy Scouts of America, Salt Lake, MIA” (Mutual Improvement Association).
We did a little scouting. We did the Cub Scout program. But after Webelos — I wasn’t a big fan. Yep, no Eagles here. I’m sorry if I offended some of you. OK, so I’m a rebel. And I feel kind of bad because as a Mormon, I wanted to support the programs of the church. I often felt guilty for not being one of those scouting families in the ward. But for me, scouting beyond 6th grade was….well…those uniforms — Looks like the Hitler Youth to me. And there’s something about uniform mentality — sometimes good, sometimes not so good. I don’t know, it just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it’s the requirement. Even Brigham Young told his father that he wouldn’t sign the temperance pledge because he didn’t want to be forced to do it. (see Hugh Nibley on Brigham Young).
As for my sons? They’ve done fine without their Eagle. There’s lot’s of great young men who serve missions, get their college degree, start their own business, get married, have children, are kind and compassionate — and did not get their Eagle. So if you’re worried. Don’t be. Do what works for your family. I homeschooled my last three kids, and that is rebellious. I loved it.
And… one of my dad’s favorite movies — The Treasure of Sierra Madre — “We don’t need no stinkin’ badges”