Yearning for my own Day of Atonement celebration, I decided to go up to the temple and participate in an endowment session on Yom Kippur. As I sat there, I reflected on the ancient temple ceremonies in Jerusalem, with the High Priest. I thought about the similarities and the differences. Mormon temple ceremonies are based on the ancient ones, when Moses was commanded to build the tabernacle, a traveling temple of sorts.
I have a good friend who is Jewish — we talk about these similarities. We share our faiths and find that we have much in common, it’s really kind of fun. We both pray to the same God, and he answers both our prayers. When she is melting down with childcare (she has 7 kids) and prays for help, God hears her pleas and answers. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (who became Israel) are our common heritage. She comes through Judah, I come through his brother, Joseph. I love to hear about her traditions and the Mormon missionaries know they will always get a meal at her home.
Of course, neither of us sacrifice animals at the temple, as was required by the early Israelites, but we do offer to sacrifice our time and talents to do good and be charitable.
Mormons focus on Jehovah, Jesus Christ, the lamb that replaced all those that were sacrificed in the tabernacle in the wilderness and the temple in Jerusalem. I believe the law of Moses was fulfilled — that part of animal sacrifice — when Christ became the sacrifice — he is the one who has redeemed us from those sins that were symbolically placed on the goat. I know it seems archaic — animal sacrifice — but it was an archaic time. In fact, the incense in the ancient temples of Israel was a nice way of covering up all that smell that must have accompanied animal sacrifice.
Gene and I went together, in the morning, on the Day of Atonement. While our Jewish brothers and sisters of the House of Israel were fasting and repenting on Yom Kippur, we repented, sacrificed our time and served in the Temple. For me, we have common heritage and they are also my brothers and sisters.
Sacramento Temple, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints:
Jerusalem Temple, King Solomon:
Solomon Dedicates the Temple in Jerusalem: