Sometimes we say, set your goals high, but then we also say, go after the low hanging fruit.
The cherries are ripe on our trees, well not our trees, but the trees that grow on the property we lease. This is a blessing of weather that gets colder in the winter and hotter in the summer. In the summer, it stays light until about 9:30 PM, there are no street lights so you can see the stars, and there is no traffic.
These cherry trees look a little funny, the branches shoot straight up into the sky, with no branching out from main limbs — making the picking a little difficult.
In other words, there’s not much low hanging fruit. But the cherries are oh, so good.
My dog loves them too. She sits at the base of the tree and looks at the low hanging fruit. Then she takes a leap and grabs one, and heads for the grass to munch it down. See, my dog knows how to go after the low hanging fruit. It’s instinct.