I’ve heard a lot of stories about the lost ten tribes — where they went, where they are today, how they’ll return. The ten tribes were part of the original 12 tribes of Israel, living in the northern kingdom of Israel when the Assyrian King invaded their land and took captive in approximately 721- 722 B.C.
x1952-366, Flight of the Prisioners, Artist: Tissot, Photographer: John Parnell, Photo © The Jewish Museum, New York
It seems impossible that a group of people could be hidden on the earth today.
I’ve always believed that the ten tribes assimilated into our population. But I saw this video about an underground city — where people lived in man-made caves seemingly unknown to anyone. It’s a mystery to be sure. Maybe the lost ten tribes are still somewhere as a group.
The underground city was discovered in 1963 when someone in Derinkuyu, Turkey, was doing a little home renovation, and knocking down a wall, discovered the underground city. It goes 285 feet deep into the ground — 13 floors, and probably 1000s of years old. The city could house 20,000 men, women, and children. And animals. And they had air shafts going down that far.
After reading Visions of Glory, and the Doctrine and Covenants, I began to take note of possibilities.
After this vision closed, the heavens were again opened unto us; and Moses appeared before us, and committed unto us the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, and the leading of the ten tribes from the land of the north. (Doctrine & Covenants 110:11)
And this quote from the journal of Benjamin F. Johnson, who was a close friend to the Prophet Joseph Smith,
“Sometimes when at my house I asked him questions relating to the past, present and future; … I asked where the nine and a half tribes of Israel were. ‘Well,’ said he, ‘you remember the old caldron or potash kettle you used to boil maple sap in for sugar, don’t you?’ I said yes. ‘Well,’ said he, ‘they are in the north pole in a concave just the shape of that kettle. And John the Revelator is with them, preparing them for their return.”- Benjamin Johnson, My Life’s Review, 1947, p. 93
Benjamin F. Johnson quote from “My Life’s Review” pg. 93:
My Life’s Review by Benjamin F. Johnson can also be found in pdf here, quote from page 43 of this version.
Ok, so I had to find out what a potash kettle even looks like:
Potash kettle
Derinkuyu map