Quotes and where they come from: I like to trace the footnotes and get to the source. I actually learn alot in the footnotes. The notes in the book, The Words of Joseph, are full of information. When someone says Joseph Smith said this…. I want to get to the primary source. So, after one of the recent priesthood/relief society lessons I was curious about this part of the manual: “the plaguing sin of this generation…”

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson, Chapter 17: Keeping the Law of Chastity:

The plaguing sin of this generation is sexual immorality. This, the Prophet Joseph said, would be the source of more temptations, more buffetings, and more difficulties for the elders of Israel than any other.10  “Cleansing the Inner Vessel,” Ensign, May 1986, 4; the statement by Brigham Young — “Instructions to Missionaries,” Deseret News, June 13, 1860, 113.

So lets look at the source of this statement, because it sounds like Joseph Smith said the plaguing sin of this generation is sexual immorality. Ezra Taft Benson is getting his info from Brigham Young, who is getting his info from Joseph Smith. Lets look at what Brigham Young said since that is the footnote referenced.

Brigham Young was in the Historians office on April 25, 1860, advising newly called elders for their missions to England.  This is only a paragraph from that discourse, entitled, “Instructions to Missionaries,” Journal of Discourses, volume 8, p.55, delivered by President Brigham Young, in the Historians Office, Great Salt Lake City, April 25, 1860:

When the Quorum of the Twelve was first organized, Joseph said that the Elders of Israel, and particularly the Twelve Apostles, would receive more temptations, be more buffeted, and have greater difficulty to escape the evil thrown in their way by females than by any other means. This is one of Satan’s most powerful auxiliaries with which to weaken the influence of the ministers of Christ, and bring them down from their high position and calling into darkness, shame and disgrace. You will have to guard more strictly against that than against any other evil that may beset you. Make up your mind not to yield, for one moment, to the subtle insinuations of the animal propensities of your natures while you are absent on the Lord’s errands.

It sounds alot like the advise that Alma gave to his son, Corianton while serving a mission —

Thou didst do that which was grievous unto me; for thou didst forsake the ministry, and did go over into the land of Siron among the borders of the Lamanites, after the harlot Isabel.

Yea, she did steal away the hearts of many; but this was no excuse for thee, my son. Thou shouldst have tended to the ministry wherewith thou wast entrusted. (Alma 39)

Be careful of those females, those dancing girls that frequent the Bible and convince men to do things like behead John the Baptist:

On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for the guests and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.” The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request be granted 10 and had John beheaded in the prison.

Men are visual creatures, more so than women (in my opinion and Dennis Prager’s.) It seems that Brigham Young was warning the elders called to serve missions, to be careful of the women. Of course, unless they married them — I think it was ok to marry a woman on your mission, back in those days, and bring her home. Got to find that source.
