Two rather irritating neighbor kids informed my children — “You guys think you’re going to rule your own planet.”
That was about 20 years ago. In Irvine, California. The door was open; time to explain some things to my kids. It’s a strange notion, this idea that Mormons believe they can become Gods — and one which the LDS Church has recently made statements — probably because of the Broadway musical, “The Book of Mormon.”
And I would suggest that within the Mormon faith, there are varying interpretations of this teaching. But it all began with Joseph Smith when he explained that there never was a son without a father, and therefore God the Father has a father and that there are a plurality of gods:
—where ever did tree or any thing spring into existence witht. [without] a progenitor—& every thing comes in this way—Paul says that which is Earthyly is in likeness of that which is Heavenly — hence if J.[Jesus] had a Far. [Father] can we not believe that he had a Far. [Father] also—I despise the idea of being scared to death—I want you all to pay particr. attent. J. [Jesus] sd. [said] as the Far. [Father] wrought precisely in the same way as his Far.[Father] had done bef [before]—as the Far.[Father] had done bef. [before]—he laid down his life & took it up same as his Far. [Father] had done bef [before]—he did as he was sent to lay down his life & take it up again & was then committed unto him the keys &c I know it is good reasoning— ( Ehat & Cook, The Words of Joseph Smith, 16 June 1844, Sunday Morning, Grove East of Temple, Thomas Bullock Report)
It seems clear to me from Joseph Smith’s discourse, that Jesus chose to lay down his life as the savior to become like his Father — thus I would reason, that only one person becomes a God like God the Father during this earthly sojourn. And that is Jesus Christ. Of course, Joseph also explained that there are a plurality of Gods at various levels — one being more intelligent than another. And that the Father, the son, and the Holy Ghost are three separate gods:
The Head one of the Gods said let us make man in our image. I once asked a learned Jew once—if the Heb. language compels us to render all words ending in heam in the plural—why not render the first plural—he replied it would ruin the Bible—he acknowledged I was right. I came here to investigate these things precisely as I believe it—hear & judge for yourself—& if you go away satisfied— well & good—in the very beginning there is a plurality of Gods—beyond the power of refutation—it is a great subject I am dwelling on—the word Eloiheam ought to be in the plural all the way thro — Gods—the heads of the Gods appointed one God for us —& when you take a view of the subject it sets one free to see all the beauty holiness & perfection of the God—all I want is to get the simple truth—naked & the whole truth—Men say there is one God—the Far. [Father] Son & the H.G. are only 1 God—it is a strange God any how 3 in 1. & 1 in 3. it is a curious thing any how—Far. [Father] I pray not for the world but I pray for those that thou givest me &c &c all are to be crammed into 1 God—it wod. make the biggest God in all the world—he is a wonderful big God—he would be a Giant I want to read the text to you myself—I am agreed with the Far.[Father] & the Far.[Father] is a greed with me & we are agreed as one —the Greek shews that is shod. [it should] be agreed —Far. [Father] I pray for them that thou hast given me out of the world &c &c that they may be agreed & all come to dwell in unity & in all the Glory & Everlasting burngs of God & then we shall see as we are seen & be as God—& he as the God of his Far. [Father] —I want to reason—I learned it by translating the papyrus now in my house —I learned a test. concerning Abraham & he reasoned concerng. the God of Heaven—in order to do that sd.[said] he—suppose we have two facts that supposes that anotr.[another] fact may exist two men on the earth—one wiser than the other—wod.[would] shew that antr.[another] who is wiser than the wisest may exist—intelligences exist one above anotr.[another] that there is no end to it —if Abra. reasoned thus—if J.C was the Son of God & John discd.[discovered] that god the Far.[Father] of J.C had a far.[father] you may suppose that he had a Far.[Father] (ibid.)
I know some Mormons believe that they will become as God the Father (or God the mother) by keeping the covenants they make in the temple, all during a one-time experience on earth. But, to become as the Father God — to reach that level, it would require the step that Jesus Christ took, to become like his father — to be a savior first.
We progress (or regress) — in our life before, in this life, and in the next life — the great plan of salvation or eternal progression. Joseph Smith taught the plurality of gods, as recorded by many individuals at the funeral of brother Follett.
Although I believe in a plurality of gods, and that we level up by degrees, there is only one God to whom we report — God the Father of Jesus. But then again, I believe that Jesus Christ is my savior-God and the only one who can save me from my fallen state in this telestial kingdom where I currently live. And the Holy Ghost God is the one who is constantly available to me while I’m slogging through the mire of earthly life.
I do not understand the woman’s role very well. Though I believe in Goddess the mother, as described in the The Pearl — the woman who is the last to send-off her spirit children destined for earth, and the first to greet him/her on their return.
Everyone is at a different level. And that’s why we can’t judge other people. But I believe that there are gods and goddesses among us, at different ages of the earth, who can guide us and help us. Sometimes, we entertain angels unaware, and thus we are encouraged to be kind and hospitable to strangers. Some of those angels may be at a godly level.
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrew 13:2)
People did not like what Joseph Smith believed and taught. They tarred and feathered him, and eventually shot him dead.
King Follett Discourse by Joseph Smith and recorded by those attending.