You know it’s kind of funny — The Catholic Church teaches that the Pope is infallible, but the Catholics don’t believe it. The LDS Church teaches that the prophet is fallible, but the Mormons don’t believe it. Joseph Smith’s Prophetic Ministry
Sometimes Mormons begin to lose their faith when they read things that show the prophet is more human and capable of making mistakes. Joseph Smith made a mistake when he went to Salem to look for treasure under a house.
In 1836, six years after its formation, the LDS church was in debt. About this time, a Brother Burgess arrived in Kirtland, Ohio claiming that a house in Salem, Massachusetts had a large sum of money hidden in the cellar. Joseph decided to give it a go and went to Massachussetts (along with Hyrum, Sidney Rigdon, and Oliver Cowdery.) But when Burgess met them there, he said the town had changed and he wasn’t sure which house it was. It didn’t look good.
None of this proves to be the answer to solving the church’s financial difficulties. In fact, Joseph the prophet, fallible — as is man — followed the tips — not as a commandment or revelation from God — but in his own hope. Otherwise he would not have shared this bit of scolding from the Lord:
I, the Lord your God, am not displeased with your coming this journey, notwithstanding your follies. (DC 111:1)
This does not affect my testimony, but increases it. I am relieved to know that Joseph Smith made choices of his own that were wrong. He is more like me. I am more like him, and there is hope for both of us. He is still a prophet, I am not. God lets prophets make their own decisions too.
There are going to be times of tutoring and learning for a prophet as well as for you and me. I don’t have a problem with that. Prophets voice opinions and we as Mormons must realize that. Elder Christofferson explained, “not every statement made by a church leader, past or present necessarily constitutes doctrine.” (April 2012 Conference)
As Joseph explained: “A prophet is only a prophet when he is acting as such.” (Joseph Smith)
Later, in 1942, missionaries went to Salem and baptized 90 people, as the Lord had explained along with the little chastisement — “I have much treasure in this city for you, for the benefit of Zion, and many people in this city, whom I will gather out in due time…” (DC 111:2)
I am comforted when the Lord believes in us and blesses us even when we engage in follies.
Otherwise this life would be damn depressing. The Lord is merciful and forgiving.