Maybe the Christians who are offended with us Mormon Christians, can just call us Mormons. They don’t need to get all huffy about it. The Christians can call themselves Christian and exclude me, but it is only because they want me to believe exactly like them. My beliefs are different, yet they include the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Mormons needn’t be offended that Christians say we are not Christians — it’s ok, we’re not just like them. We have differences and similarities, and we should respect those.
As a Mormon I do not believe in the creeds established in 325 AD — in the Nicene Creed. I do not believe that those in attendance at that meeting were inspired by God. Under the Roman Emperor Constantine, the First Council of Nicaea convened to decide what Christians should believe. They wanted a universal creed, centuries after Christ lived. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints does not have a creed or believe in the Trinity. We believe that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are three separate Beings with one purpose.
I believe that Christ is my Savior, and is the son of God, born of the mortal, Mary and the immortal, God the Father. With this union Christ inherited the ability to die as a mortal, and live again as an Immortal. It looks like science, it seems to agree with genetics as we know them. You inherit from your parents the physical attributes that they have. In our family we often quote the saying, “the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
I am open to new revelation, even to old revelation, in that old texts are found such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. I find truth in so many areas, truth in the religions of the world. Yet, I do hold that Joseph Smith is a prophet and he revealed knowledge that had been lost. And I believe in the need for a current prophet. God has not left us alone, not from the days of Adam and Eve to the current day.
I know it sounds like blasphemy to say that man can progress to become like God. So, yes another difference from the Christians. Now, I am no-where near the perfection to become like God. But, I believe we inherit the ability to become like Him, as a son or daughter of a mortal father has the ability to become like their father.
I understand it sounds a little like Star Trek, but all things that we know and understand now, were unfathomable just 200 years ago. Who knew we would have communicators in the form of cell phones?
I do not believe that when we die we sit around in our white angelic gowns, on a patch of angelic cloud conversing with others in their white frocks. I do not know exactly what goes on, but I know we continue to learn, to live in families, similar to this mortal life. And progress.