This is a Hugh Nibley talk — BYU Women’s Lecture, October 26, 1991, entitled, Roman Satire and Us. I have it posted on Scribd or you can read it here. Thanks to a new friend that has a love of Hugh Nibley’s wit and wisdom. I appreciate Tom for sharing these little gems with us. May we journey on in this telestial sphere. It just isn’t easy. But there is no other way.
Roman Satire and Us by Deila Broberg Taylor on Scribd
I have to laugh because almost the first thing I read, “I make so bold as to introduce a subject that has not always been popular among the elite, because I have tested the waters in no less respectable place than West Palm Beach, Florida Stake, and no one took offense.” was an outstanding example of Hugh Niibley’s highly developed sense of satire. I was so wishing I could hear this as delivered by HN in person with all of the wit, nuance, etc., of his brilliant mind. It just reminded me again of how brilliant he was and positively witty. While the world is mourning the death of Robin Williams, I find myself still mourning the loss of my hero, HN. I hope to spend many hours in conversation with him once I leave this telestial world behind.
I love your words and thoughts! I continue to learn new things from Nibley, and chuckle at his humor. I hope you are feeling better. 🙂
This is very interesting… To read about pride, entitlement, lack of respect for life, and many of these men speak of the lack of morals leading to the downfall of Rome… They talk of overcrowded prisons and concern about the environment… A lot of parallels can be drawn to today. I wonder if it would make a difference if our kids were taught this in school… How quick a society falls when morals are forgotten.
Yea, it’s typical Nibley to draw parallels to our society today. And that was in 1991 — we are crumbling, and yet technology is exploding at the same time. I’ve always liked that Malcolm Forbes quote, “nothing gives you freedom like bucks in the bank.” Unfortunately, there is some truth in that.