“…the great evil of the deception by the word is that Satan was a liar from the beginning. He is the one who loves and makes a lie. If I start telling you what my universe is, you have no right to contradict me. If I tell you what I see, what I hear, and what I remember, and I’m lying to you, I’ve thrown everything away. There’s no world between us; there’s no universe. I’ve brought confusion upon the whole plan of raising God’s children up — the plan by which he spread his glory. Remember “this is my work and my glory.” So Satan is the old deceiver and the destroyer, but he’s the one who love and makes a lie. How easy it is to do, but what a great offense that is. A person takes it for granted you mean what you say, but he has no means of knowing whether you do or not because good liars are very clever. It takes such an important part in Shakespeare’s plays, the deception that builds. And it leads to tragedy all the time. Somebody lies, and then you are in real trouble. ”
Ref: Teachings of the Pearl of Great Price, Lecture 10, pg 125 -126
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