I’ve recently added 12 lectures on mp3 that Hugh Nibley gave about his research on facsimile 2, entitled, One Eternal Round. These are quite a gem, and I appreciate D. Norman for sharing these with us. It’s like Nibley has come back to life when I hear his voice speaking.
I read his last book, One Eternal Round and this is a great complement. While reading that book, I learned that the facsimile #2 — the round parchment — was placed under the head of the deceased, and was sort of a manual for the after-life.
Believe me, you can listen to these lectures many times and keep hearing something new. I’m so excited to download these onto my iphone so I can play them whenever and where ever.
You can find the lectures on my page, Nibley mp3 or here is the link as well:
One Eternal Round, 12 lectures, Hugh Nibley
Great series of lectures by the Nib. I’ve listened to all 12 now. So much more to learn about the unseen world and a drama that includes our part in this play with many acts and actors.
Won’t it be wonderful to be able to talk with Brother Nibley one of these days after we’re gone? So many great thinkers and spiritual giants that we can learn from, but Brother Hugh is one of my all-time favorites — my hero in many ways!
Awesome. Thanks for sharing!