I don’t think I learned anything when I was in second grade. My teacher’s name was Miss Terramina — Terr-a-MEAN- a. And she was mean and terrible. She got fired. I think. That was back in 1962. She stood on her desk in the classroom and blew her whistle. She made us line up after recess behind the building and she would delay coming out to get us. Finally, after all the other kids had long been back in class, she would come get us.
Let’s take a look at a second-grade curriculum for homeschool. You should be building on what you were studying in first grade.
Homeschool Second Grade Curriculum
I continue with World History, using volume 2 of the Susan Wise Bauer books. These are great for busy moms and parents who didn’t get a chance to love history when they were in school.
Time period: The Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance 400 – 1600
Story of the World, vol.2 (links to my affiliate account with Amazon)
Story of the World activity book, vol.2 (
Timeline: I make a timeline using a roll of white paper that can be taped to the wall. The time period is from the Fall of Rome to the Renaissance: 400 – 1600
Books to read to your child: Choose some child versions of books that fit into the timeframe of the history you are reading. Look for:
(links to my affiliate account with Amazon:)
For the Temple: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem
Legends of History: Fun Learning Facts About Celts: Illustrated Fun Learning For Kids (Volume 1)
Viking Ships At Sunrise (Magic Tree House, No. 15)
**Choose books you both will enjoy reading.
Books for your child to read: Choose books that interest your child and is at their reading level. This is important for quiet time when you want them to read alone for approximately 30 mins. everyday.
Writing and Grammar and Spelling
The Complete Writer: Level Two Workbook for Writing with Ease (The Complete Writer) (links to my affiliate account with Amazon)
First Language Lessons, Level 2 (links to my affiliate account with Amazon)
Other options we have used:
Sequential Spelling — start with Level 1 if you did not use it in first grade
Choose one main text:
Math In Focus (Singapore Approach)
Supplementary and Fun: Life of Fred Mathematics books —
Elemental Science This has a workbook and lapbook.
The Magic School Bus videos [you can stream these on Amazon Prime (links to my affiliate account with Amazon) [Try Netflix as well]
Other Activities
Choose whatever your child would enjoy.
Music lessons — piano, violin
Horseback riding lessons
4-H Club — raising livestock, rabbits, goats, etc.
Art lessons — Meet the Masters
Weekly Plan
Monday – Friday: Math, Reading, Writing/Grammar/Spelling
Tues and Thursday: History
Wed and Friday: Science
Field Trips: As often as you can
I like to start the day with Brain Pop Jr. — it helps us ease into the learning.
**Remember when you homeschool, you will complete your studies in a much shorter time period than public school. Don’t feel like you are not covering as much, more likely you will be covering more.