In fifth grade, you start all over with ancient history. Even though you are covering the same time period as first grade, there’s always more to do and learn. If you did not use The Story of the World volume 1 in first grade, then get it now for the fifth grade. If you did use it, you can use it again. This time, your child can read it, instead of you reading it aloud.
You will want to add other books to complement your studies. Also, in first grade I do not use the test booklet — I add that into the curriculum for fifth grade. Map studies will be more detailed, and the timeline has more information. Use anything in the Activity Book that you skipped in First grade. The Study Cards for each chapter are in the back of the Activity Book. I printed them on card stock paper and had my kids color them. They look like this:
Time period: Ancient History to the Last Roman Emperor
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Story of the World activity book, vol. 1
Around the World Geography Coloring Book
The Kingfisher Atlas of World History
Illustrated History of the World
I make a timeline using a roll of white paper that can be taped to the wall. Divide the long strip of paper evenly with the dates clearly at the top. Be sure to add important dates in your life and your children’s birthdays. Divide the timeline from about 5000 B.C. to 400 A.D.
List of People: (read about and add to timeline)
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Cheops, Egpytian Pharoah 2700 BC
Abraham, 2100 BC
Hammurabi 1750 BC
Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt 1480 BC
Moses 1450 BC
Tutankhamen 1355 BC
Nebuchadnezzar 1146-1123 BC
King David of Israel 1000 BC
Homer 800 BC
Romulus 753-716 BC
Sennacherib 705-681 BC
Lao-tse 604 BC
Pythagoras 581-497 BC
Confucius 551-479 BC
Buddha 550-480 BC
Darius I of Persia 522-485 BC
Socrates 470-399 BC
Hippocrates 460 BC
Plato 427-347 BC
Aristotle 384-322 BC
Alexander the Great 356-323 BC
Shi Huangdi 221-207 BC
Hannibal 218-207 BC
Judas Maccabaeus 168 BC
Cicero 106-43 BC
Julius Caesar 100-44 BC
Virgil 70-19 BC
Caesar Augustus 45 BC-AD 14
Jesus Christ 4 BC – AD33
Caligula died AD42
Saint Paul AD 45
Nero died AD68
Marcus Aurelius AD161-180
Constantine the Great AD 306-337
Plan to have your kids memorize some important dates. This helps them (and you) see the order of what happens first. For example, we always memorize the names of Biblical characters — Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus — AENAMJ
Books for your child to read: Choose books that interest your child and is at their reading level. This is important for quiet time, when you want them to read alone for approximately 45 mins. everyday. It should be enjoyable and fun.
Books to read to your child: Choose some child versions of books that fit into the timeframe of the history you are reading. Choose books that you both will enjoy reading. You may find books at their reading level for them to read, or you may enjoy reading them aloud. My husband and I both enjoyed reading to our kids and learning about history.
Documentary DVDs
Look at what is available online and at the library. I have purchased some DVDs from the History Channel, but many are now available on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
Writing, Grammar, Spelling, and Vocabulary
Grammar – Easy Grammar, Grade 5 (you can buy the teacher edition which has the workbook on one page and the answer page on the facing page.
Spelling – Sequential Spelling – continue with the next level if used last year, otherwise, take the placement test to determine which level to use or start with level 5
Vocabulary – Wordly Wise Online or Vocabulary from Classical Roots (if you did level 4 in 4th grade, then move on to level 5) or this online vocab is great
Writing — The Creative Writer (links to my affiliate account with Amazon)
Choose one main text: (if you need to change from last year, because your child was not loving it, then try a new book.)
Math In Focus (Singapore Approach)
Math U See:
- Placement test (if you are not sure where to start)
- Fifth grade — Epsilon Level
Horizons Math (this is a Christian-based text) You can order just the first workbook and see how your child does or if you like it.
Supplementary and Fun: Life of Fred Mathematics books –
Other Activities
Choose whatever your child would enjoy.
Music lessons — piano, violin
Horseback riding lessons
4-H Club — raising livestock, rabbits, goats, etc.
Art lessons
Weekly Plan
Monday – Friday: Math, Reading, Writing/Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary
Tues and Thursday: History
Wed and Friday: Science
Field Trips: As often as you can
**Remember when you homeschool, you will complete your studies in a much shorter time period than public school. Don’t feel like you are not covering as much, more likely you will be covering more.