I’ve been aware of the teaching that good and evil seem to rise together — meaning that when there is greater good, there is also greater evil — more chaos. Maybe this is part of the meaning of the scripture that there must need be opposition in all things.
Good and evil have been on the earth since Adam and Eve walked the garden. In fact, Satan appeared to them in disguise in the garden of Eden, which was a paradisiacal or terrestrial life. So, there was opposition even in that terrestrial life in the Garden of Eden. Satan was there, the tree of life was there, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil was there.
God placed both trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Temple, Idaho Falls, Garden room showing two trees — tree of life and tree of knowledge of good and evil
The scriptures teach us that chaos will increase in the last days, that the evil forces will try to keep this earth for themselves. But even as the typified King of Assyria arises in power, the Lord Jesus Christ and his servants will rise in power. Good will triumph over evil. This earth will complete the full measure of its creation — from birth, the Fall, water baptism, fire baptism — from the garden of eden to the telestial earth of today to the terrestrial earth in the Millennium to the celestial earth after the final burning.
Chaos and evil will not succeed, though we see it all around us.
This quote from Nachmanides, a 13th-century Rabbi and physician, was used to introduce a documentary film about Winston Churchill entitled “Walking With Destiny”:
“Precisely at the time where one king arises to pillage our possessions and destroy us, another shall arise to protect and save us… This is an important lesson for future generations.”
When the King of Assyria arises in power, another shall arise to save us.