I’m not sure what words were popular exclamations in 1976. But growing up, I heard a number of unique, unusual phrases from my dad. He said, “what the sam hill?” or “crappysbang” or “hells bells” or “shit or dear” or “shit, shit, shit.” I’m like my dad. I loved “Bewitched” as a young girl, but never cared for the “oh my stars.” Occasionally I have caught myself saying “holy cow,” but that may be offensive to those who believe in a holy cow. I’ve said “crap” and some of my dad’s favorites. My mom never wanted us to use the word “crap,” but I think we may have said, “oh crap” some of the time.
When I was in junior high school, we said “bitchen” — my dad didn’t like that word. But it was scrawled across my yearbooks by my friends. It was quite a compliment to be called “bitchen” — “she’s a bitchen girl.” Yea, totally acceptable.
I read a book, one of my funny favorite books, “Three Men in a Boat, To Say Nothing of The Dog.” It was written in England in 1889 by Jerome K. Jerome. No kidding that is his name. I was surprised by the little exclamations common in that era — things like: oh drat, oh bother, it’s jolly funny, fancy that, chucklehead.
Of course, I’ve heard that words like Golly, Gee, For Goodness Sakes, are euphemisms for using the name God, but granted, many may be calling on God when they use His name in an exclamatory way. That’s fine. Dennis Prager says from his Jewish Hebrew perspective, saying, “Oh my God” is not the same as taking the name of God in vain. He says the verb isn’t “to take” but is really “to carry” the name of God.
Not all sins are equal. Some are worse than others. The worst one of all? Committing evil in the name of God. This commandment is often misunderstood because it’s mistranslated. It’s not concerned with saying God’s name “in vain” like “God, did I have a terrible day at the office!” It’s about using God’s name in the commission of evil. We see this today when Islamists invoke God’s name while they murder innocent people. (Do Not Misuse God’s Name, Dennis Prager)
And I agree with that, but I also don’t want to throw God’s name around for nothing. In an ideal situation, we perform ordinances in the name of God because it has efficacy; it has power. I believe there is power in a word if you have reached that level of spirituality. So, for me, I don’t want to use the names of God in vain — and I interpret that to mean vain as in “a useless attempt, producing no results.” — it has no power, it’s useless. For example, “She made a vain attempt to clean up after the children.” In other words, the cleaning-up action did not work. I believe that whenever we mutter a prayer, repetitiously — even with the sacramental prayers — it can be in vain — it can be taking the name of the Lord in vain — without power, faith, or meaning. Somehow, we have come to think that taking the name of God in vain is about swearing. But how often do we take his name upon our lips in a routine way, without any thought or power?
Perhaps this is why the Israelites did not write the name of God and instead wrote the Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH) and often written in English G_d. In early times, Jewish scribes treated the name of God with great sanctity and would not write it because they believed it too holy. YHWH is the name of Jehovah in Hebrew. Its pronunciation has been lost. In fact, in the Bible, we have “I am” as a name for God. Because of this, we don’t know how to pronounce the name of God or Jehovah. Perhaps we should not be offended when people say “oh God” because that is not the real name for God. The pronunciation of His name is hidden.
Ok, so you need an exclamation, now and then–Drat? I don’t care for the word “fetch,” which seems to have come out of Idaho/Mormonville and seems to refer to something you would say to your dog after throwing a stick or a ball. “What the heck?” –yea kind of a Utah/Mormon phrase. Well, fancy that, it’s jolly funny.
Photos of Occidental College, where I completed my bachelor’s degree in biochemistry in the late 70s. And met the guy I married and had five kids.
The Tetragrammaton is very interesting. Since the four letters in English are based on how the Hebrew letters sound in English there has been various renderings in English such as YHVH, JHWH, IHVH and JHVH. All are from the same four Hebrew letters. It’s the YHWH where we get Yehweh and YHVH where we get Yah-hō-vă which the Kings James Translators rendered as LORD or JEHOVAH. From the LDS perspective I would add the following understanding of LORD and GOD as translated in the KJV Bible.
LORD (upper case)
Jehovah (YHVH), the God of Israel, the pre-mortal Jesus Christ. “The Existing One” or “the Unchangeable One.” There are at least three O.T. passages where it appears that “LORD” applies to our Heavenly Father rather than Jesus Christ: Psalms 2:7; 110:1 and Isaiah 53:10.
Lord (capitalized)
Heavenly rulers: God the Father or Jesus Christ.
lord (lower case)
Earthly rulers: kings, governors, captains etc.
GOD (upper case)
Jehovah (YHVH), the God of Israel, the pre-mortal Jesus Christ.
God (capitalized)
Usually God the Father but sometimes Jehovah. Usually translated from Elohim.
Lord GOD (“GOD” upper case)
“Lord Jehovah” or Master Jehovah.” Translated from Adonay Yhovih.
LORD God and LORD your God (“LORD” upper case)
“Jehovah of the Gods” or “Jehovah your God.”
Translated from Yhovah Elohim.
Wouldn’t it be something if there was discovered a very, very old text that maintained the original name of the LORD. Maybe just the idea of it could make a good Indiana Jones movie.
hahahaha… I laughed about the “golly”… Now you did forget one of those other Utah Mormon explicatives: “snap!” hahahaha… I heard someone say that on the radio the other day — nothing like showing your roots… My husband plays a video game that drives me crazy with its language. I asked him, “Doesn’t that bother you?” He said, “No!” It just about drives me up the walls. Why can’t people just use proper words for things? I guess I’m stuck in the 70s, too.
Ooh, I like Chucklehead 🙂 Doesn’t it say in the scriptures somewhere that all we should say is “yeah” or “nay”? Maybe you could try those– Oh, Nay. 🙂
awesome post!
What an excellent and cleverly written post, Delia! I really appreciate your take this. Sorry I do say awesome but wish I didn’t. It is so overused, isn’t it? OK, something for me to start working on. I love posts that makes me think twice!
I can’t even begin to tell you how much the F..word offends me. I hate to see it or hear it..I’m just not a fan of any type of cussing, I believe it insults ones intelligence or shows what kind of intelligence they have.
I wouldn’t let my children say ‘shut up’ to one another…even that was a bad word in our family. ‘Be quite’ was what I encourage them to use instead. I didn’t allow them to use the word hate either…now look at me I used it already!
I do like your choice of words, they are cute and old fashion, very AWESOME indeed..Sorry for the trendy adjective I couldn’t resist! HA!!
I don’t like the OMG thing either..you can’t even watch a decorating show without hearing it constantly! I do love to say awesome though…and I have not heard of “chuckle head!” I miss groovy too! ;D(We have lived here 5 years)