I’m fascinated by the how and the why. And I think that science and religion are intertwined. Ever since I was young I have liked symbols and the mystical meanings behind symbols. Science, and especially geometry and astronomy/astrology were linked to the divine in ancient times. You see it in art and literature. (Read The God Who Weeps for literature references.)
Now, we’re supposed to be all grown-up in the 21st century, and not believe in such nonsensical ideas like God, the spirit world and life here after. Sure, my ancestors wrote on parchment and I can sit here and click the keys on my laptop and share all of this with you on the Internet. That doesn’t mean I’m more advanced or wiser. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful for hot showers every day. And the ease at finding information.
Take a look at this 13th century manuscript, showing God and the compass — symbolic of creation. The Gods must have used geometric principles to design and create the earth and this solar system. To our ancient ancestors, science and belief in God were one science.