I struggle to share my point of view with progressives and realize that I have a different world view — like the sketch of the two ladies — look at the following image tell me what you see — you can see a young woman, or an old woman —
Some people believe that the government provides for all your success and accomplishments. On the other hand, some people believe that they do it all themselves, through their own blood, sweat and tears. But then there are those who believe that God blesses them with talents, inspiration and opportunities. I fall into that group. I believe that God inspires all the great inventions, including the internet, even through people who do not believe in God.
I have to say I am on the side of faith in God — I believe that God still gives us the manna we need.
Today we not only lean on the arm of flesh, we believe in the arm of flesh. As much as the government may try to be all to all, they will fail when they deny any big “G” — God. It would be better for our nation, if religions were not held to such contempt by the elite little “g’s” — government. And I’m talking about all faiths, not just mine.
If the government takes our money and delves it out as they see fit, they take away our agency to choose to do good. They may want to play the role of god of this world, and make decisions for us, and make a perfect little life for us, but that is not really God’s plan for us. God needs us to have freedom.
Like a good parent, God wants to know if we choose the right when he is nowhere to be seen. In fact, we do not get to see or remember our previous life with him. What better test to discover who we are. If you only choose to do good in front of your parents and others, what and who are you?
I love the miraculous, things that cannot be explained or proven by scientific methods. I have faith in the unseen. Because I have seen the fruits of faith. Lucifer wanted to save everyone, he wanted the glory and the promise that not one soul would be lost. Our government wants to save everyone, and glory in it. If the government takes over many of our choices, even in the pretense to provide a better life, is it not like the plan of Lucifer?
How can we be judged if we are not free to choose–to choose to help others on our own, or not help and be selfish? If the government taxes us to pay for the poor, we really are not choosing to do it. We turn all the tough choices over to little “g” and assume they will take care of the people, and that we are good, obedient subjects. We can walk by our neighbor who has lost his job, because the government will take care of him.
I will continue to believe in the God answer, even as the government claims that they are the answer. I read this very funny post from a blog — “in the beginning, Government created the heavens and the earth…
I believe in a safety net for the poor, but I also believe that the government has become too big and too full-of-itself. I just found out that I cannot put my garbage service on vacation hold for two months — the local government does not allow that. Now how is that helping me?