The Book of Mormon is definitely a paradigm leading us to enter the Lord’s presence. The temple, of course, provides some particular tools. The Doctrine and Covenants talk about when Lucifer appeared as an angel of light on the banks of the Susquehanna and was detected as such.
However, I would add that there are intermediate steps before reaching the final “Combat of Adam,” which is a standard theme in all the mystery literature. Hugh Nibley tells us that Moses shows another example of this. So does Joseph Smith.
Anyway, there are some intermediate steps. Look at the Baptism of Fire, for example. John the Baptist says, “I indeed have baptized you with water: but he [Jesus Christ] shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.” And that is when your sins are actually remitted. Water baptism is real, but it’s a symbol of our willingness to keep the commandments and take upon us the name of Christ. It is the beginning of the path which leads to the baptism of fire, more trials of faith, and at some point, entering the Lord’s presence.
The fullness of the Gospel is what it’s all about; unfortunately, we eventually fall under condemnation because we (Ephraim among the Gentiles) reject the fullness. (But I think that might be considered one of the mysteries, which is not generally known.) And there certainly are other mysteries–about how the whole system works. For example, we don’t sit at Jesus’ feet, wearing nightgowns and singing hymns, for all eternity.
I don’t know why people aren’t interested in it. What do Adam and Eve do? They look for the greater light and knowledge Father promised to send. “I’m looking for messengers from my father.” Welcome to this telestial kingdom, where we can receive messengers from the spirit world as well.
Have you read this post on the Friends of the Unblog? I wrote a comment in there about father Adam. I cannot imagine what it must have been like to go from constant personal face-to-face revelation o being exiled into the one and dreary telestial world. We cannot remember those dys with ather and maybe that’s why It seems so many “don’t care” in your understanding. We get so distracted by the enticements of this world that we fail to focus on what is the most important reason we are here. Just my thoughts.
Thanks for the link! I’m glad you and I understand the need for more than what meets the eye.