Avraham Gileadi will analyze some of my favorite subjects — dreams, visions, and near-death experiences alongside the end-time prophecies of Isaiah. Hebrew scholar and author, Avraham Gileadi will be sharing his thoughts and analysis in an 8-week seminar about the book of Isaiah’s message for us in the last days with the current influx of dreams, visions, and near-death experiences.
I was really excited about the seminars when I first heard about them — but then I realized there was no way I could fly from California to Utah every week. But good news — I just got an email notice that his course will be available to all of us through a Webcast. I signed up for the seminars at Joseph&Judah.com. And now I will be able to hear all of them. It will be a treat.
The seminars by Avraham Gileadi will start on Thursday, October 2, 2014, from 7 to 9 p.m. and will be held weekly through November 20, 2014. This is a great way finish up the Ten Days of Awe — which culimates on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur on the evening of October 3, 2014.
If you have not read any of Avraham’s books, I highly recommend them. The book, Isaiah Decoded has changed my life. And I attended some of his early Isaiah seminars back in the 90’s.
I have been listening to his commentary of the book of Isaiah. This is better than what you get in Gospel Doctrine class (can I say that?)
Join me in what will be a great 8 weeks of learning — and if you loved the book, Visions of Glory, you will love Gileadi’s seminar about how this book fits into the prophecies of Isaiah. I’m not a doom and gloom person, and neither is Avraham. But the world is a crazy place and when you are prepared with knowledge the spirit of the Lord will guide you. Plus, I understand my own trials better. Why I need them to progress. My daughter has shared her dreams with me, and I’ve often recorded my dreams .
Dreams of the Last Days – Where are all the stars?