My dog grabs the ear of other dogs, all playful-like, but super annoying. She has been doing this ever since we got her as a 4-mo. old puppy. She is a German Shepherd, now 5 years old, and still does this ear-nipping thing…on end.
Her favorite game is to run, and play chase with other dogs, so if they aren’t gettin’ it, she gives them this ear-nip to bug them; and bug them she does — they chase her and growl at her — and she loves it. You know, “na na na na na, you can’t catch me…”
But really, the minute I open the door to let her out with my son’s 1-year old Shepherd — Cambria, she grabs her ear. Cam gets annoyed too, and gives her a nip and a growl, but that just eggs her on.
She will do this until the other dog:
1) gets irritated and tries to hide in some corner,
2) gets irritated and gives her a good nip back,
3) gets irritated and gives my dog the chase (her fav).
Here she is getting her “sas” on, she is the light-coat one, with her fur up a little, all sassy-like:
Then she swings back around, after strutting her stuff, to give Cam the famous ear nip:
And Cam nips her back:
Cam has her ears back, “leave me alone, you annoying dog.”
I am getting aggravated by it all. And a little embarrassed. She annoys some dogs to the extreme. In fact, my dog has a nice little scar on her ear — a reprimand from Cam. But that did not stop her at all. My dog takes competition seriously, if she does not get to the ball first, she goes in for the ear nip.
My dog was the one in the litter that must have been teasing all the other pups, running around them and being playful. I was not there to pick her out — my hubby thought she was a good choice because of it.
He said she looked intelligent.
He said she looked him in the eyes.
Yea, that was his answer — a dog, female dog, looked him in the eyes and that’s all it took.
But I love her any way. She has good qualities too — she gets along with other dogs, does not attack them, just wants to play too much, competition style.