I’m surprised I didn’t think of making my own diaper rash cream back when I had babies. I did some research about various oils and newborns and babies and put together a recipe for a better-than-you-can-buy baby bottom balm. Yep. That’s a tongue twister. But here is a diaper rash remedy without preservatives and unrecognizable ingredients.
I’m using Beeswax, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil, Shea Butter, and Coconut Oil in this first batch. No added scents. Though I may try one with an essential oil next. But I wanted to keep it to a minimum of ingredients for my grandbabies skin.
Several of my children had sensitive skin. My first-born couldn’t wear paper diapers — her skin was that sensitive. Every time I tried a paper diaper she got a rash — “contact dermatitis” according to my pediatrician. That was back in the ’80s and there were no unbleached diaper products, so that left me with the option of cloth diapers.
Oh my goodness, that dates me — because I had a diaper service — Tidy Didy Diaper Service delivered clean white diapers weekly at my doorstep. But, still, wet diapers with “plastic pants” were terrible against her skin. Still to this day, she has skin sensitivities, allergies, and major eczema issues.
Back then, I used various diaper creams to keep a layer of protection on her skin. And with all my other four babies, I slathered on a diaper cream with each change — a layer of protection from the diaper and the wetness. We didn’t have many options — Desitin, A&D, and Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. That was it. And because they were laden with chemicals I hated to use them daily. Luckily, my daughter potty-trained at age around 15 months. She took the diaper off, and wouldn’t wear it anymore.
I hate to use the word “natural” because I don’t know what that means. I like to buy my products locally if I can. That way you know where they come from and what’s in them. Buy organic if you can. If your baby has allergies or skin sensitivities, try a small amount of oil on her/his skin first. And never apply essential oils directly to your skin (they are too strong). Use this after every diaper change.
Homemade Rash Diaper Remedy Cream —
1/4 cup Sunflower Seed Oil or Almond Oil
1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 cup Beeswax
2 Tablespoons Coconut oil
2 Tablespoons Shea butter
Essential oil — if you want one, use about 10 – 20 drops
Where possible, choose organic brands.
Place the ingredients in an 8 oz. Mason Glass Jar. Take a small saucepan and put some water in it. Set the jar in this water bath and heat the saucepan with the jar over the stove. It will melt in about 10 minutes or so. Stir the mixture to mix. Let the jar cool enough to lift it out of the pan and set it on the counter. Put the lid on it. Let it cool down in the refrigerator for about 5 minutes. Shake the contents to mix while it is still liquid. Then set it in the fridge to solidify. In about 15 minutes, take it out and set it on the counter. That’s it.
This is what it looks like. If you continue to shake it while it is getting thick — it will begin to solidify on the lid and sides. That is fine.