I like to say that I’m an education rebel. It’s not just about homeschool either, though I chose to homeschool three of my five kids. I tried public school, and I saw some good things and not so good things. My two eldest children went through the state school system. But when my third child was about to enter middle school, I made a change. And I’ve never looked back.
Since I was a stay-at-home mom, I had the option to pull my kids out of traditional school. I realize that not everyone can do that. It has been a blessing for our family. And now I can say that it was successful. When I started out, I really didn’t know how to do homeschool.
But then again, traditional school is far from perfect. Remember that — on those days when you wonder if you made the right choice to homeschool. You will have days when your kids are driving you crazy or they don’t want to do math. It’s ok. We had reading days when I needed a break.
We need a change in education, but sadly it doesn’t happen that quickly. You know what your kids need most. If you can’t homeschool, look at other options. Look at charter schools. Keep an eye on your kids, and listen to their needs. I was surprised what I ended up doing. I never thought I’d homeschool.
This is a video by RSA Animate and Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award.
For more information on Sir Ken’s work visit: http://www.sirkenrobinson.com