Hugh Nibley gave a commencement speech at BYU on Leaders to Managers: The Fatal Shift. It's one of my favorites. (It's...

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Hugh Nibley gave a commencement speech at BYU on Leaders to Managers: The Fatal Shift. It's one of my favorites. (It's...
The Book of Mormon is definitely a paradigm leading us to enter the Lord's presence. The temple, of course, provides...
I listened to Hugh Nibley this morning and found this morsel of light about the Mother of Life. Nibley relates...
Ghosts do not eat food. After Jesus rose from the dead, with a resurrected body, his disciples thought he was a ghost...
In researching the divine feminine, I've found several examples where the scriptures use the feminine voice. For...
I find myself wishing I was younger, stronger, and more energetic. I try to do it all, multi-task, and then fall...
Of course, we read the scriptures to receive personal revelation, which is the vertical approach. However, we can take...
This is one of my favorite Nibley quotes -- "Why was I put in this situation?" It's from the video, Faith of an...
It doesn't matter when you live -- early days or last days. I believe God judges us on what we do and how we perceive...
There's no getting around the commandment to search the writings of Isaiah. We run into that commandment while reading...
Vikings may have used crystals for navigation as noted in two sources: The History Channel and Scientific American. ...
When I was about ten years old, I had a small glass locket with a mustard seed in it. I can't remember where I got it,...
New Hugh Nibley mp3 addition added November 2019: BOOK OF ABRAHAM LECTURE - Lecture 1 - Relating to the Egyptian...
Hugh Nibley on free agency and our individual responsibility -- in his very blunt direct way: This law of free agency...
Here's Hugh Nibley, classic humor, reminiscing about his days in the military on the Eve of Thanksgiving: My first...
Time to get outdoors. You know, out of the house, the office, the workspace, the doors. It's a little thing with big...
I've recently added 12 lectures on mp3 that Hugh Nibley gave about his research on facsimile 2, entitled, One Eternal...
Sometimes, someone in authority will remind us that our leaders are not infallible. But people tend to believe the...
When the Dead Sea scrolls were found in 1947, there was a shroud of secrecy over them, and the general public was not...
I walked into my first Hugh Nibley class, totally unaware of the man and his work. It was the 70s. I sat down, opened...
Unrolling the Scrolls - Forgotten Witnesses by Hugh W. Nibley, 1967: Yesterday I was in Disneyland, and that gives you...
I have just digitized two old audio cassettes of Hugh Nibley -- one is an interview and the second is a talk that he...
This is a Hugh Nibley talk -- BYU Women's Lecture, October 26, 1991, entitled, Roman Satire and Us. I have it posted...
These are some notes made by Hugh Nibley for his article on Priesthood which was published in Sunstone Magazine. and a...