I wrote this in 2015, but I decided to update my links, especially since we have a bit of chaos in our lives in 2020....
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I wrote this in 2015, but I decided to update my links, especially since we have a bit of chaos in our lives in 2020....
I like to read about how viruses work, and how drugs work (I was a biochemistry major and pharmacology grad student.)...
I hate getting sick, and the good old cold virus has so many mutants, that you're almost sure to get one. The common...
When I was 17, I got the kissing disease -- mononucleosis -- and I couldn't seem to get better. I was in my senior...
Of course, I decided to locate the Wasatch fault because my son was living in Salt Lake City. And I know that the...
I'm all about that word "survival" even though it brings to mind everything connected with "disaster" -- yea, not...
Sometimes you just don't know where to start when it comes to preparing for disasters. You have to buy things and the...
I grew up in southern California, in Los Angeles county -- county of the Angels by name alone. Sometimes I can't...
We live in an age when we get things instantly. We access the Internet for quick answers, we text friends and family...
Milk Thistle is one of those plants that you often see growing along the roadside. It has bright purple thistles that...
I came home one day to find about 10 bees in my house. As I scouted out their port of entry I found them swarming...
Disaster preparedness is something I've been doing for at least 35 years. I'm not a prepper, but Mormons have always...
Poison oak brings back a lot of bad memories for me. When I was about 12 years old, my girlfriend and I were walking...
My husband has nightmares of his childhood undiagnosed itchy skin problems that were so severe on his feet that he...
We never had any ticks in Southern California, even on the hiking trails, we never had one of them hitch a ride. But...
Mormons store wheat. We've been storing wheat and food supplies for years and years and years. My grandma...