Lots of little girls imitate their nursing moms. We have dolls that pee their diapers. Baby dolls come with pacifiers and bottles, so why are some parents so angry? Doll maker, Berjuan Toys has introduced a doll that breastfeeds, called The BreastMilk Baby (in the U.S.) It has been sold in Europe for a couple of years, as Bebe Gloton (glutton baby — LOL.)
So, I had to investigate what all the commotion was about. I even watched the video. The doll was first introduced and sold in Europe, in fact the doll company is in Spain. Europe is more accepting of breastfeeding moms. In my 10+ years of breastfeeding, I have had my share of stares, even though I was very discreet. The USA is pretty uptight about breastfeeding.
Dr. Manny on Fox News even goes so far as to say that this doll may be harmful to young girls, “dolls like this could confuse young girls. They may even inadvertently traumatize them, and there would really be no way of knowing until the girls grow older.”
Years ago retail stores had to pull the pregnant Midge doll off the shelves. Too many people were aghast. (Lucky for me I bought one and saved it.)
Maybe it’s one of those things, that once you nurse a baby, and have a little girl that plays with dolls, you realize, this is no big deal. Maybe it’s just perspective.
Some say that this sexualizes little girls. Excuse me, but nursing a baby is not a sexual thing.
Truly, I am surprised at the mothers that are upset, and yet march right down to the store to buy a dozen Barbie dolls, Bratz dolls and bikini bathing suits for their 5 year-old girls.
How Barbie ever got in there, that is the bigger question. She is definitely mature, and sexy to-boot! And check out her clothes. Or the Bratz collection of dolls–these moms are fine with them (and Dr. Manny) I’m pretty sure more damage has been done by promoting sexy mature dolls than any baby-doll. What girl doesn’t want to look like Barbie? We will starve ourselves to get that look.
The website for the doll manufacturer can hardly be found on the internet, so I guess Google is against the breast milk doll.
The biggest obstacle I see is the price. $89.00 for the doll. Breastfeeding a baby-doll is fine by me. But I guess I would have to give my little girls the same advice I used for myself — don’t do it in public — at least not in America.
Someday I will confess all the places I got away with nursing, discreetly, in public places.