I used to believe in a different scenario for the last days. I’m not sure what it was exactly, and that’s because it is kind of vague in our teachings. Or I should say, it is hidden in Isaiah. And few there be that find it.

Christians believe in a rapture — where the believers are taken up to meet Christ. And I understand that view. I found an old drawing in one of my study notebooks from the 1990s that timestamps what I was thinking: It shows the celestial people being on an exodus during 3 and 1/2 years of tribulation and then being taken up:

Last days timeline

I understand that there will be chaos and havoc on this earth before Christ’s return, and before the faithful are taken up to meet him, they will trudge through tribulation. But there is the promise of protection for those people who are prepared for the chaos. And I don’t mean prepared in the sense of having food, water, and guns (though that will be necessary too.) I mean prepared in the sense that you have already waded through trials and have remained faithful — no complaining or forgetting God — keeping the covenants you have made with God and most likely, having already received your calling and election made sure.

I suppose some righteous people will have opted to pass on through the veil, but I believe some will stay, become translated, and help in gathering those people who are still being refined. This whole refining process is a process, and you can’t arrive at the seraph level without undergoing the trials of life. The chaos of the last days allows people to become higher spiritual beings.

I did a three day fast and during that time I received an answer to one of my questions — a confirmation in the form of a sign. I also felt inspired to go back and study Isaiah again, using the Apocalyptic Commentary of Isaiah. I have been listening to Avraham’s commentary on my ipod, and I  have attended his webcasts, but I learn double the information if I read the text and take notes, as well as listen.

I’m finding the reason why we are supposed to search Isaiah. It makes sense. I’ve always enjoyed finding the symbolism in my reading. Back in college, I studied Dante’s Pardiso and Inferno — looking for the symbolism of light and dark and circles. I just never thought to put that much effort into Isaiah. As you can see from my notes above, I started to delve into it back in the 1990s, when I attended a seminar with Avraham Gileadi’s translation of Isaiah — but alas, life has detoured me at times.

I understand the stages of descension before ascension — so I’m actually thankful for all the crap I’ve gone through — things that from a worldly view don’t look positive. Some things I would not share with others. But Isaiah makes it clear (with the help of Avraham Gileadi) that all those “bad” things you are going through, has a purpose.

It is all good. All is well, in that prophecy will be fulfilled. But all is not well in Zion — not yet. We are headed for some frightening times. But we can be prepared. And we can help prepare for the Lord, and maybe we will help gather others during the years of tribulation. One of the books that helped me understand this is Visions of Glory. That book and Isaiah go hand in hand. As I heard Gileadi say — the book of Isaiah is the back story to the Visions of Glory.


